Oct 5, 2022·edited Oct 5, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

What is not being said is most telling: no one is blaming the other and no one is taking responsibility--and no one seems to care. I had the (unpopular) theory that it might not be blown up at all, just made to look that way like the moon landing and 9/11, but assuming it is, my gut tells me it was a concerted globalist effort by some or all of the following: Russia, US, Germany, Poland. Now Opec and Russia are continuing to decrease output of oil. It just seems that it is coming from all sides. The world needs energy/oil, there's plenty of it and yet, suddenly, and in concert, the people in control--everywhere--are deciding not to provide it--not even to manufacture it. And they are also "acting" as enemies to one another. Does that not seem suspicious? The result will be world starvation. Ring a bell?

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Still an outside bet, but I find it a little more interesting and substantial than it not happening at all.

As to your last assertion, if Poland does get their pipeline to Scandinavia flowing and becomes the new gas broker in the region, that will challenge this theory a bit.

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

Let's say you're right and it wasn't actually blown up.

Something still caused a shockwave felt by seismographs 184 kilometers away. That's not herrings farting (swedish joke, our navy once chased a suspected soviet sub which turned out to be the sound of hundreds of herrings farting).

Also, all it takes is one team of divers or a drone with a camera to see if you're right.

What might be interesting to you is that the swedish prosecutor in charge of our side of the investigation is trying to claim sole jurisdiction - in effect to make the danes and the US and the germans stay awayfrom the blast site.

In this the prosecutor is in error and in breach of swedish law and procedure: the blast site is in our economic zone, but not our territorial waters, so the prosecutor hasn't got a leg to stand on.

Now, no prosecutor would dare do that unless he/she has political bacing. It is entirely possible that our resigning governement did something stupid and is scrambling to cover up(creat trouble for their successors.

Your idea of agents withing the entities you list make a certain amount of sense. Still, far too many seismological sensor stations reported the shockwave for it to be a hoax. The more people involved, the risk of exposure increases geometrically.

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Oct 6, 2022·edited Oct 6, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

Yes, agreed, but how hard would it be to set off blasts to "set the stage" as it were. This was one of my original observations--that every headline mentioned the palpable blasts felt on land. If you are going to lay a foundation for "belief," that would be the way to do it. You can practically feel that blast, can't you?

The pipeline is some 300 feet below the surface I believe--not easy to get to, but not impossible. How convenient that yet a third party is involved and actively keeping people away from the site. I mean, if you are a conspiracy theorist, it doesn't get more theatrical than this!

And the best part is, the leaders of each country get away with it. Germany's Scholz can simply throw up his hands and blame <fill in the blank> while the rest deny any involvement.

The one reason this theory is interesting to me is because I back it all out of a premise that the leaders of all of these countries are acting in concert to achieve a certain end. If that end is to starve Europe of energy, which is a pretty obvious globalist goal, then it makes sense that they act like they're annoyed, but they are all in on it---whether it was a real blast or not---either way they are pretending to be separate entities with separate interests, with every statement just adding fodder to the theory. In the end, I thought if this were true, why actually destroy an $11 billion pipeline that could be useful to them in the future.

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It's at 70 meters depth. That's a cak-walk for a professional diver, not to mention the swedish navy's attack divers and coast jaeger corps.

Co-opting dozens of seismic reporting stations to all say the same thing at the same time ans forging the log in the equipment is too many moving parts to me, and setting off charges creating the blastwave from where the pipes are without actuall damaging the pipes is unfeasible too.

$11 000 000 000 is unfathomable to you and me: to people in charge, it's the penny down the back of the sofa. They aren't going to pay for repairs; they are going to set things up to profit. Thus, the monetary cost is to them zero in all their decisions.

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Oct 6, 2022·edited Oct 6, 2022

I'm sure you're right about the cost-it's irrelevant.

As to the blasts, I'm not suggesting there weren't blasts (and keep in mind I am not arguing any of this to say its true--just a theory), but there may have been "theatre blasts." I know nothing of blast waves and how that proves damage, but am definitely interested in all of this info. The pipe is said to be located 80-110 meters below the surface so that would put it anywhere between 260-360 feet. But now Sweden is blocking access.

I just want to be clear--I am not married to this or any other theory, but whenever I read a headline, the first thing I do is question everything about it--in what direction is it taking me? If Theory A is correct, then what is the actual likely scenario? In this case, the major question is whether Russia is complicit or not. I do not know. But I do find it convenient that yet one more major access to energy has been permanently destroyed. I do not believe in coincidences. And in either case, whether it was actually destroyed just pretending to be, has the same end result re: energy.

One more thing. An actual news article advertised that the U.S. Navy happened to be in the vicinity a week earlier doing "test" blasts. I'm not a genius or anything but I just figured it out! It must have been the U.S. right? Those tricky sailors. I am shaking my head at why this was in the "papers" at all. Since when do we care where the Navy is doing their war exercises?

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I love, "the penny down the back of the sofa." That's hilarious! US translation, "Just another penny down the drain." --- Digging change out of a couch or chair was a good way for little kids to get some money for candy, back in the day.

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I didn't know that fish farted. --- Ya learn somethin' new everyday!

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And knowing is half the battle!

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I too. I feel so much less oignorant now. ... wait...no I don't.

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

Just watch Blinken's press conference last Friday. He all but says the US did it. Only three days before he said he was baffled as to who would do it.


My guess on who you most resemble:

Jennifer Lawrence of The Hunger Games. No doubt your a badass bitch!

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Having seen Hunger Games ( even the last, poorly written one, I second this description!

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Oh Putin definitely blew up his own $11B pipeline, sending millions of dollars of his gas into the Baltic to poison the fish. He couldn't find the switch to turn it off without his glasses!

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There are fairly desperate ideologues strongly pushing this one, though. :)

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

As a middle-aged man who just starting using readers, I can relate. Just wish I also had access to a Billion dollar drone submarine with high explosives.

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Don't be dramatic, they only cost like $1M each. Why everyone doesn't have their own I don't know.

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

This. It's why the Founders said "arms" and not "muskets".

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Imagine how well the Fed's hearing would improve if every American household could potentially point a TOW missile skyward.

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I can just see senator Guttermouth post-election:

"YOU get an Abrams! And YOU get an Abrams! And YOU get an Abrams! Abrams for everybody!"

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Well, we have a couple hundred (at LEAST) mothballed. It would be an amazing pork-barrel giveaway that would save storage costs in the long run.

We could get them painted in my hideous campaign colors of poo brown and monkey-vomit green. With the Vinland flag flying opposed the Stars and Stripes of course.

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They'd probably be wondering why you're pointing an anti-tank weapon "skyward" .

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Don't you fire ballistically if you're using a CLU?

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Probably the most important serious statement on this thread.

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

Dang, I can't tell if that's a slam or a compliment...

"There's no serious in baseb-...in The Gutter!"

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No, it's a compliment.

The foundational principle behind the 2A (that the common be able to physically resist a tyrannical state through force of arms) is extremely important.

Which is why it isn't muskets.

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I keep mine with the can-opener. Just in case the cat food doesn't open. I have another in my underground nuclear shelter because you don't want to be caught dead without one!

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Every nuclear shelter needs a drone submarine!

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Oct 5, 2022·edited Oct 5, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

if i were one of the pilots flying over that gas leak i would have fired off a few flares and lit that sucker up!

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

Kinda what I thought about. Having a big flame in the middle of the water. Possible or not, I don't care, the visual is just awesome.

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I must admit that the very first thought I had, also, was "that would look so fucking cool."

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😂🤣 Again, at least I'm not the only one!

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The only reason I'm not "Beavis with boobs" is if Beavis had boobs I think he would just play with them all day.

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I believe you are correct in that thought. 😊

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

Here's a thought: obviously blowing the pipes have been wargamed by every military with a reason to blow them, as soon as construction started. That's what they do, try out situations in advance just in case.

Now let's say that when the russian invasion started some plan that was marked "In case Putin actually does it" was activated and part of that plan was blowing the gas pipes, but that bit was put on hold as to not hurt Germany/EU.

Time flies, the german people become less and less enamoured at the prospect of helping Ukriane lose slower by freezing and having to take out a second mortgage to buy gas - meaning they might vote into office a german governement which isn't very US-friendly compared to the last umpteen years.

So one group in some part of US governemental machinery activates the plan - it's not as if the commander of the ship or unit is going to try and call Biden to check, is it?

And all of a sudden the actual cabinet around the president goes "Ohhh Fudgesickles!" and scrambles for what to do, because the main party line was not to blow the lines at all.

Creating a fait accompli to force the guys and girls on the other side of the party divide into your camp.

Just venting here really.

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You're not saying anything crazy- the federal government has been talking about maybe possibly blowing up nordstream for years, so they've definitely wargamed it.

As I said in my Thing from a week or so ago, what I find extremely interesting is that the White House has not categorically denied doing it (knowing full well all the buzz is that they did), and this is at least as interesting as someone taking credit or blaming others.

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heh, you and the pipe both

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Oct 5, 2022·edited Oct 5, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

It must be Putin. His grasp even reaches to US inflation. I heard it on the news, so it must be true.

In all seriousness, I think it was the US--except given the recent track record I'm skeptical they can pull anything off. Hopefully there has been SOME housecleaning somewhere that matters.

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Good to hear from you. You've been quiet.

Yeah, Putin is absolutely playing 12-D chess again.

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Fun expeditions like this, there's the physical actors and the ones who provide all the backup support. ClintonWorld can get anything done, can't they?

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Yeah, I think the answer to this one is absolutely going to be some variation on "The United States + <Someone> in the Kitchen with the ANFO drone."

But I'm very interested in hearing alternative theories because I've already been inundated by the groupthink on this that didn't even pause to consider other scenarios and want to make sure I'm not just being lazy.

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(PS: I got in fast, while I could...)

No one really acts alone on big stuff like this. Too many fancy-like recording devices so to speak.

The Israelis have great capabilities to assist, but they've got very complex political entanglements with both the Russians and Ukrainians and with dual-nationality oligarchs, so I'd think they'd stay out of this even in the most tangential ways.

And with all the other geopolitical considerations--just for fun there's a great Norwegian political thriller on Netflix called Occupied about Russia taking control of Norway because of energy considerations.

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For the same reasons, Poland (like I said in last week's Thing).

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

Coordinated effort with multiple NATO entities participating (or looking the other way).

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

It was the Dutch!

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

I've got a theory - perhaps a certain kind of theory - that I haven't found mention of elsewhere.

The zealots of the Climate Church have now got their hands on the U.S. federal government, and all its trappings and extensive toybox. "All these filthy, respirating people will need to be made to get rid of their fossil fuels, and if that means less of them live in to the future, so much the better..." they say. And, since "the people" aren't going to be getting themselves off of the gas, we'll have to force them to do so, think the zealots. (see why We the People are such a threat?) Ergo, boom goes the pipeline; and well, if a reduction-of-supply/spike-in-cost isn't enough to get us all off the modern economic juice, what then?

Well, how 'bout we make said reduction in supply happen in such fashion as to increase our odds of global nuclear war? 'Cause a good nuclear apocalypse and its resultant large-scale population reduction might be just the ticket, and boy howdy would a nuclear winter of some duration do wonders for that pesky warming trend. (see also from the same crowd, "hey, we should help those instable, intolerant, anti-semitic nut jobs that run Iran get a nuke")

I'm not saying I REALLY think this is what's going on; but on the other hand, if the flash comes, the last thought before I de-res into steam and ash won't be one of surprise.

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Those teenage girls that are embarrassing the shit out of fascists in Iran would be amazing people to throw a monkey wrench into Iran's long-term plans as a theocratic shithole.

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

Is there any doubt?

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Not for a lot of people, no, but there's a lot of room for nuance within those guesses.

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US via Polish special forces. Putin will respond against Poland and presto! WW3.

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You're 100% the same guess as me, at least for now.

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It had to be Greenland. They're ahead of the curve in the whole nuclear fusion thing, using frozen water as fuel. And who stands more to profit from an enormously available resource to cash in on if petro-fuels are scarce...

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I'm so sorry.

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

I thought the inuit-illuminati was all-in on massive polar melt, drenching the rest of us but turning Greenland into a green land once again, as it was in ages past?

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China, perhaps. They would certainly want to encourage a nuclear dust up between US and the Ruskies. While they back Russia on a lot of issues they have no particular love for Russia. It has too much in common with the West. What better way to keep the West destabilized and fighting than you secretly get in on the action to then sit back and watch what happens. The weaker these countries are, the more powerful China becomes.

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The only problem is that China and Russia are in the middle of planning a very cozy strategic realignment that includes mutual military aid (and is public knowledge).

I made an earlier far-out theory that China did it to drive Russia further into their arms, but immediately rethought that because it would be disastrous when Putin inevitably found out later.

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I agree. My top of the list is the US (or a proxy), especially after Mushbrain and Nuland’s earlier boasts. China has been very quiet on this subject so it occurred to me their involvement is not out of the realm of possibilities. The idea of Russia sabotaging their own money maker makes little sense to me. The fact we’ve made absolutely no try at diplomacy to head off this conflict tells me we are in it for nefarious purposes. It’s a great deflection from this brain dead administration’s bullshit policies. The puppet masters didn’t want European citizens rising up this winter when they are freezing their asses off and demanding the pipeline be turned back on.

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Oct 6, 2022·edited Oct 6, 2022

Well, things are bubbling along here now. Our resigning prime minister has ordered the navy to effect a 50km exclusionary zone around the leaks, and has handed the investigation over to a prosecutor and the secret police. This is despite the factor that the blast sites are not inside swedish territorial waters, just inside the economic zone.

Furthermore, the resigning governement is stating that the investigation is solely a matter fo Sweden to conduct, without any foreign participiation, especially not russian such. This despite the pipes being majority-owned by Gazprom.

Even worse, Ann Linde, resigning minister for the Green Party, has stated that she is investigating how Sweden can go about blocking and making any repairs impossible .

Now, Sweden's own chief of staff has openly stated (years ago, since then the military has been further downsized) that without NATO/EU-troops coming to aid us and engaging in open war with a potential russian invasion and occupation of Gotland, Sweden's military resources might last as long as two weeks, and then only holding on to Stockholm and surrounding areas.

Which leads me to suspect that our resigning "watermelon"-governement has promises of supoort, including military, from someone big and dangerous enough to oppose Russia.

Anyone who knows their Machiavelli understands the folly of this.

Edit: this just popped up as I wrote this. The prosecutor in charge of the investigation has confirmed that detonations have taken place and that "certain findings" makes sabotage a virtual certainty. Matrials and images have been recovered for analysis.

Link to swedish state media web page article covering this:


Highlight the article, right-click and choose "translate/översätt to/till english/engelska" for a perfectly legible english version.

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Have you seen the Monkeywerx video showing a US aircraft with guided torpedo capabilities, was flying over the exact area at the time of the "event".

He also mentioned that the flight was not listed, which just adds to the intrigue.

Watch from 04:50 to about 21:15


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I saw it. While I don't specifically refute his intel, it seems way more likely that the demolition was done via submersible drone with a much smaller controlled charge.

Monkeywerx is seriously cool.

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