I wouldn't be upset if we stayed this upset every day until the trials were over.

Maybe Emily knows people on the "We were paid to spread propaganda" list. Heck, maybe she's even high enough on the totem pole to be on the list herself.

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The clever Ms. Oster--oops, *Dr.* Oster--first became loathsome to me a few years ago when she expended a great deal of her expert brainpower on *proving* that drinking in moderation during pregnancy was perfectly safe for women, because God forbid they might have to give up a little wine for nine months in the interest of doing everything within their own power to try to have a healthy child.

This is again a demonstration of why well-aimed hatred is a necessary emotion.

That which is convenient to her, or does not inconvenience her is the main engine of her self-presentation as a person of scientific rigor (she's primarily a statistician).

May she rot utterly, cell by cell, in a slow and malodorous decay, and may it be done in our lifetimes, amen.

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Nov 1, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

Puppies! Puppies! Puppies!



I get what she's after. I really think I do - she believes the ole' harp about "you can't build on hatred". Sure you can! Just make sure the ones designated to be hated can't fight back, or better yet isn't a unified group with resources. Its like it always is with bullies and hangers-on (she reeks of it): as soon as authority seems to be stepping in for real, it's all about the rationalisations and blather and making up for misunderstandings and "we were only joking", and usually authority buys it wholesale.

She and others like her needs what I'd call the Evaristo-treatment.

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I have a tremendous amount of respect for anyone who sincerely apologizes for what he's done. It speaks well of him to reflect on the situation, admit his fault, and seek forgiveness for his actions. Personally, I can readily put aside any hard feelings and move forward in the relationship.

Without that, though...not gonna happen.

There's also a little too much arrogance in Emily's post (!), from what I've read (no Atlantic clicks from me) on other Substacks. Talk about the unjabbed "being right, but for the wrong reasons" reminds me of Scott Adams' condescending admission that he'd been duped.

Ultimately, the Covid show is coming to an end. Maybe it's because Omicron threw a wrench in the plans to inject every living being in the West, but I suspect that it was just the first campaign in a long war our oligarchy is waging against us. It is called Agenda 2030, after all. War and famine loom over the horizon. Absolutely nothing resets society better than a good, old-fashioned war. Buckle up; it's gonna be a real interesting decade.

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The side which "made hard choices with little information" never made the correct choice, somehow they always landed on the exact wrong choice for the situation. If you wear masks you won't get the virus. Meanwhile, every doctor and nurse was rapidly infected while wearing masks. We have to clear hospitals of people who are recovering to make room for newly ill people, we must send them to nursing homes or we will run out of hospital rooms. And if you don't we won't pay your medicare. So, we already knew at that point that old people were most susceptible to the virus for a fatal outcome and we sent thousands of people who were infected but not sick enough to require hospital care to where the most susceptible were packed in like sardines.

Meanwhile, patients who were infected but not yet seriously ill were told to go home until they were at deaths door and then come back to the hospital. Result, people dying in waiting rooms and an overwhelming collapse of patient care while the governors in those same places appointed themselves medical experts and banned the use of safe medications which had shown to be effective when used early or prophylactically.

And then researchers "tested" those medications by mailing them to people who tested positive where the average time of getting the medications being tested took 2 weeks and pronounced them failures because there were no improvements when the typical course of the virus runs 10 days. In 2 weeks you are either better or dead and nothing in the mail would change that.

So, no amnesty for anyone who participated in the largest mass murder in US history, not for the mandaters and not for the propandists or social media platforms that still bar the truth from being exposed. They all have blood on their hands and deserve the same treatment. If you feel you deserve amnesty, raise your hand, someone with a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire will be along shortly to dispense it to you.

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Nov 1, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

thank you. You said exactly what I've been trying to say all day.

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I feel the same way: I don't want to waste any more time or breath on this media critter. That's not to criticize what you and others are doing. I started to write my own thing, but I got too sick to my stomach to finish it.

Your guess about her mentality is as good as mine. But for my money, that was as transparently ugly and inept an escape attempt as I've ever seen. Houdini she ain't. It's far from the last of these we'll suffer through. The "amnesty" market is still in its awkward adolescent phase. They're still pulling our hair on the playground, while secretly wanting a kiss. But deep down, its dawning on them that there will be a reckoning.

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Nov 1, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

Emily makes me so mad, I can’t eloquently respond to her bullshit. So, I will post your article on twitter. BTW: I’m a paying reader and you’re worth every cent.

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I am too overwhelmed by pity for all those who now go to bed each night wondering whether the junk pumped into them from those devilish syringes is going to destroy their lives or even end them to give a flying fig for the likes of the dimwits who promoted the prescribed narratives like good little puppets.

Each disablement, each death should hang on their souls like a proverbial albatross and drag them down and out of the view of those of us who fought, tooth and nail, to research, prove and warn until we were de-platformed and condemned to languish silenced and vilified in an obscure periphery by the vicious collaborating social media.

My heart remains heavy with images of thousands queuing for their shots, oblivious of how totally they were deceived. My heart goes out to those who witnessed their loved ones expiring in agony or in isolated loneliness. My heart breaks for those who trusted their tell-lie-vision pundits all the way to an early grave.

The likes of a nobody, wailing for forgiveness in a globalist rag like the Atlantic does not even merit the click it would take to read her half-baked apology for being so gullible and dangerous to society.

I am too busy watching the health of the world turn to mush while the perpetrators clock up their daily successes in this, their latest quiet war with silent weapons.

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

Had some more thoughts on the purpose of this article:

One thing to notice is they aren’t saying they were completely wrong, and knowingly engaged in a genocide. Obviously this isn’t going to fly with us, so who is this article aimed at? I don’t think it’s aimed at suburban females thinking of voting (R) either, as it won’t work on them. I think the target of the article are those like the author, ride-left-or-die shitlibs. The problem that needs to be solved is that even they can see some errors that were made, and which they went along with. That might even make them… bad people.

“Emily… are we the baddies? But there is a whole generation of children that can’t recognize facial expressions. And we openly threatened to gulag 1/2 the nation over the flu… are you sure we aren’t the baddies?”


So to turn this around, they offer up amnesty, an agreement to go back to status quo ante. When we refuse with hysterical laughter, they can say they made the offer, but we turned it down. Only BAD people turn down peace treaties, so obviously the Left is back to being the good guys! Everything would be peaches and cream if the Right accepted that very generous offer of everyone forgetting about ruining children’s lives to the point of suicide over a slightly bad flu season.

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FYI I just tweeted the link to this post to an acct with over 23K followers and the guy "liked" it, so I hope he'll retweet it.

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Leana Wen made her debut as a man-on-the-street for the "Boston Bombing." Even then, it was all about her, to her.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

Guarantee she's either a post modernist or was educated by post modernists so she won't believe in objective truth anyway. She will have been taught everything is the exercise of power and she should be given special treatment because something something vagina.

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I read the thing and my first thought was: this was written to her fellow meritocrats, we got almost everything right, but we got a few things like masks outdoors wrong, so we still deserve to rule America and protect Democracy from domestic terrorists, which is more than half the country.

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So, do I have something new and original to add to my choice words offered on Euggypius stack…

“ <opening comment>

Not being in a very reconciliatory frame of mind, I have choice words for Team Apocalypse (TA). Similarly to #FJB, the words may be sung to the tune of two doorbell rings, and are: #FTA. For emphasis, I add: !.

I look for a full accounting, apologies, policy reversals, and corrective actions, as a prerequisite to the start of any potential healing process.”


… and to those offered on Gato’s stack…

“ <opening commenr>

Regarding amnesty...choice words that come to mind in response are: F. Team Apocalypse, NFW.

There be a hella lotta work in front of them as a prerequisite to any contemplation of healing process.“


Aside from the increasingly banal “Dear Team Apocalypse: Fuck You and the Syringe you rode in on.”, may I offer that there is Nod and a Wink at play here.

The majority who are “vaxxed” can undertake in their own secret not secret agreement to just take a Mulligan. No harm no foul they will say. Why dwell on the past they will say. That’s in the past they will say. Time to move on they will say. The victors get to write the history is their de facto mantra.

As the minority we must demand no reconciliation without reparations. My how the shoe can slip easily to another foot.

What are the conditions for healing? These must be well thought and well articulated.

Acknowledgement of grievances,

apology for harms done,

policy reversals,

make the victims whole,

punitive damages,

measures adopted to prevent this from happening again,

and finally grovel on the dusty ground with a boot presented to their face for licking while they are pegged from on top to the dirty earth.

Maybe the last one could be negotiated.

What are your conditions?

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