Jun 1, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

"Parents are absent or on their phone all the time or have absolutely no clue what they’re doing. This becomes an endless downward spiral as emotional cripples have children and emotionally cripple them." this is such an important point. In the USA (and in the UK, to a lesser extent) you're encouraged to ignore the cries of your newborn baby in order to teach independence (which a) cannot be 'taught' and b) is an impossible thing to achieve when so young). Mothers have little to no maternity leave, so I do understand why the idea of a full night of sleep appeals, but babies are designed to wake up frequently and mothers are supposed to be supported to respond to their rapidly growing child's needs.

My point is that if a parent can condition themselves to be emotionally detached from a helpless infant (and thus teaching said infant that adults cannot be relied upon to bring comfort when needed), how does remedy itself as the kid ages. Or does it? Does the kid reach teenage years and the parents wonder why they won't confide in them when something is troubling them?

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Jun 1, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

I'm still fond of the, "Mommy, watch me," because I know how quickly it ends. The teen disappears.

Please get some teasel ASAP. Real Lyme is no joke.


An article on chronic pain from an anti-vax hero:


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Jun 1, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

It strikes me that Amber Heard might be our newest diver...

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Jun 3, 2022·edited Jun 4, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

I must have been blessedly lucky to have been raised half-time by my grandparents, I guess.

Incoming rant, not really too coherent. But hey, I've been spending the day in the car going to hospital for neurography meaning electrical shocks for an hour. 3 hour drive there, 1 hour shock treatment (Gimme Gimme... I think not!) 3 hour drive home. So as per the mores of the present time, I'm both entitled to whine and excused for being inconsiderate, yes? :) No

For people born in the inter-war period, all this whining and mollycoddling of spineless neurotics and limpwristed chinless wonders is so much drekk. Let me tell you the cure for 9/10 of mental illnesses. It's the same as when hiking and the 5-yearold throws a temper tantrum demanding to be carried.

Keep on walking, saying: "You have a sit down, dearest, and then you can catch up to us when you feel rested." (You obviously keep track whether the kid actually needs to rest - should go without saying but in today's day and age of mumble grumble unprintable.) Edit: By the way, that 5-yearold was me.

It's dead simple. Inform the person claiming to be infirm and therefore substandard (hey, they are the ones saying "I have X so therefore I must be let out of doing Y or having demand Z placed on me" - hence inferior and substandard just as I am if I was to apply for a pilot's license) that while yes, you accept and acknowledge their claim, you will therefore also treat them as someone without agency and without autonomy. Want equal treatment? Live up to the same minimum standard as everyone else. Claim you have condition preventing that? Well, then you have just proven that you can't be awarded equal rights since you - by your own admission - has stated that you cannot live up to the responsibility of same.

I'll never pilot a chopper or a plane, much less a space shuttle. Not even if I had set my life in that direction had I ever been abe to - due to being born with too poor co-ordination, too slow reflexes and too poor eyesight. So am my rights being violated because I'm not allowed to pilot a JAS-39? Hel no they aren't! Are we going to, in the interest of rights and dignity and bla bla bla, rebuild and redesign and remodel the entire system of aircraft safety so that people like me can be pilots, or are we going to say: "Want to be pilot? Must be this good to get on the ride!"?

Here in Sweden, a favourite of those ladies (we have a couple of untranslatable terms for them*) is being allergic to electricity. So they put copper wire mesh around their TV sets, except in front of the screen. Sometimes, it's hard not to feel that old-school closed psychiatric facilities had a point. Or they can 'see' toxins, poisons and such. They 'know' that 'chemicals' are dangerous.

Which makes it very funny to ask them "Which chemical, in what way and what's the LD50 for it?"

A local such girl (just 30, what a waste) has convinced herself with the help of the internet that she'll get cancer from walking on an old (45 years at least judging by the pattern) PVC floormat. The how and what of it, she cannot tell because she lacks any education, experience or intelligence to understand the information she scrolled through - and anything counter to it is a conspiracy by 'Big Whatever'.

*Batikhäxa - hippie-style batik, not Javanese, häxa is witch as in deranged quarrelsome harridan. Combines an authoritarian bully personality with hippie morals and opinions, example: white boys gives a wolf whistle after a girl = rape, afghan man gropes white woman on the bus = racist interpretation of differences in cultural values.

**Strålkärring - strål(e) meaning ray as in radiation, kärring meaning bitch, here derogatory: "stupid bitch believing she's being irraiated by a radio in the neighbour's apartment".

***Nigeriatant - meaning (post) menopausal swedish upper class woman travelling to Nigeria to buy sex, since no swedish man wants her, not even as a three-bagger. Think sixties Berkely campus radical chic working in media/entertainment, always blathering on about politics as if Da Nang was yesterday.

****Sladdertacka - sladder meaning malicious gossip, tacka meaning ewe, implying her mouth runs off like the ass end of a ewe.

*****Kommandora - meaning female with a Kommissar-like personality. Think truly sadistic martinet of a drill sergeant.

******Prussiluska - spying know-it-all do-gooder of an apple polisher who only makes things worse for all involved, without ever realising it.

Edit: anyone who made it all the way here to the end - if you think these are bad or misogynist or such - well, you should see some of the words for men. I'll give one example: apskaft, ap- meaning ape or mokey (we use the same word) and skaft meaning shaft; i.e. monkey-or-ape penile shaft, implying your father was a monkey, and also that you're half-baked lacking glans and balls. And that's one of the milder ones.

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Jun 1, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

You mentioned the evolutionary principle of survival, in order to continue the genetic lineage. That made me ask if "this" is just another facet of "the plan".

"This" being the goal of limiting the population, flattening the bell curve of societies average.

"The plan" being to enable the mysterious lever pullers of the Davos crowd could to more power somehow.

The how in this case, is through the continued nudge of media to change the culture to value victimhood, to make more people less attractive physically and emotionally towards the end result of a less reproductive society. Add in all the other lunacy (eat bugs, don't drive, rent don't own, work is for losers, virtual is the new real, inject this, swallow that, disfigurement is the new cute, wow electric blue hair makes you so hip......) and the next extinction is only a generation away (ok, maybe that's too far, but you get the point).

Great post, glad it survived.

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Jun 2, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

you are on to something.

ive recently started working with a few younger folks, two of them are in their 30s and i see no difference between them and the 19 and 21 year olds. man children the lot of them, people are not maturing anymore, they have become peter pans

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Jun 1, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

"... disability, mental illness, or oppression literally exist in the world" and which have identifiable specific causes and practical mitigations have been comprehensively set aside in favor of "... disability, mental illness, or oppression that makes for a good story.

Any overlap is accidental, and the latter is ruthlessly privileged over the former

No doubt because mitigations that exist in the realm of fantasy cannot either succeed or fail, and provide infinite access to valuable resources which would otherwise be diverted elsewhere.

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Jun 1, 2022·edited Jun 1, 2022

I don't think as a Christian that would be my response. In fact I think it turns people right off. Sadly. We live in a more and more effed up, decadent world that is filled to the brim with evil. For me, a sinner, after years of kicking hard against the goads, I submitted. (Meaning I realized who the boss was (God) and who knew best and that he sent His perfect sacrifice to provide eternal atonement for sick and lost me). Am I still a sinner and screwed up? Why yes. But I will be perfect the way God intended me to be one day - and so will the world. I look forward to that day and will not be looking back wistfully at this mess.

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Throughout history, the masses have always been attracted to the "circus freaks" and this has always served the elite well as keeps the mob at bay and allows their intervention in the world to go relatively unnoticed.

And when the media (wholly owned by the elites) glorifies the "circus freak", the creation of a huge swath of "circus freaks" is the result. That which society promotes - is what society gets.

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I, too, lost a relationship of nearly 6 years bc I smelled a rat and continued to search for it (I was called a “cult member”, etc). Suspecting a rat has been an eye-opening journey and I am so grateful for that. It has led me to this day and I’m much more attuned to what is happening.

I’m very glad that you didn’t put this one in the circular file as I feel you’ve put into words much of what has been idea-swirling in my head.

(Though I do give credence to those “imaginary diseases” that we “crazy women” are always diagnosed with by male or younger, condescending female practitioners…ahem).

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Thanks for not deleting the piece...

I agree 100% with your thoughts on "Conflict is Not Abuse". The general reasoning seemed mostly interesting and reasonable to me on reading, but when it came to examples, it almost always turned into "what???".

I just tried to remember why on earth I read that book. It must have been because Contrapoints mentioned it in a video. He/she/wtf provides the same experience of dissonance to me: amazing aesthetics, very well written, often funny, sometimes brilliant (watch "Opulence") - but, on the other hand, completely crazy.

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The breakdown of the family has been a terrible thing. The end.

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Jun 1, 2022·edited Jun 1, 2022

Excellent article. Personally, I think you're dead on. I'm still trying to figure out how people who were raised to not be like this, raised people like this, who raised people that are entitled, who raised people that are insanely entitled and insane. 🤔

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An excellent summary GM. But you failed to emphasize one of the most important facets of modern life. Victimhood! The relentless competition for 'greatest victim' is endemic. There is no aspect of human endeavour more important than a claim to victimhood. Billionaire professional athletes compete with multi-millionaire entertainers to lay claim to ever greater pain and suffering. Politicians, with decades of "public service" take breaks from describing the rigors of trudging five miles to school every day, (in the snow - uphill both ways), to lecture at length about their excessive workload. Which of course justifies more staff, bigger budgets, and, always, higher salaries and obscene pensions. Thousands of groups wage incessant warfare to 'prove' their status as victims. Because, after all, victimhood = entitlement.

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Peter McCullough “Irrational thinking and the embracing of absurdity as a way of life has spread to every corner of the globe—way beyond the first-world countries to the most remote islands in the world. There is no normal anymore, anywhere. Insanity has infected the entire human population.”

Because I could not say it better. We are all having the same thoughts, no? We are a world of dumbasses.

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