Oct 27, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

I still think that Russia can very easily make the heads of every single world leader explode by applying for membership in NATO and asking for help defending themselves against Ukraine. To sweeten the deal, they can offer up a ton of Chinese miltary secrets that they just got access to. It would be the ultimate face-turn.

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Understand that I should have prefaced my posts months ago with this statement:

I'm a simpleton.

There's a great deal to unpack in your Thor's day ...and I won't remember most of it. 😑

Short term memory version:

Wth is with the ghost butternut or??? Do you have any idea where/what your seeds where? If not...unfortunate( or not) crosses may have occurred. Let me know if you ever want to grow our local heirloom: North Georgia Candy Roaster.

You husky got BOTH feet in his mouth? Honestly, girl...we really need video of sone ofbthe Gutterfarm antics. I'm really sorry you torqued your knee, and not at all sorry that no tusks or other porcine parts mangled you or your not-hunting hunting dogs! You have some great neighbors.

2 weeks! Let us know ahead of time if being checked on will piss you off.

I like the idea of Elon...but I do not trust that fucker . With or without trust, I am enjoying the hysterical and entitled libs making demands and disassociating in real time. I appreciate Elon has provided that entertainment.

Ummm.... oh yeah... propaganda is totally on the menu - hard- with the aboutbto be astrological alignments. Enjoy the last day( today) of Jupiter regressing in Aries...because... the 12th house beckons...

Russia...Ukraine...the eclipse passing over juuuuuust that stretch of the world! Fun times! ( no...no I lie. Not fun. Sheesh)

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Oct 27, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

poor piggy, theyre smart enough to know you were trying to help

Fetterman was an idiot before his vaccine injury, i fail to understand why anyone with an iq above that of a 4 year old would vote for him

king twit will have a great time screwing with his 'demanding' staff

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Love it!

I mean, not so much the leg trouble, but the story was great. Glad the doggos are ok, even if they need a smack; glad the piggie is ok, even if he is to be delicious bacon (especially if!); high five to Curtis!

Glad you guys found a game store to hang out at too; I need to check to see if the ones down this way have opened up more.

As well as all the other stuff.

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Oct 27, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

Just gonna say it, you're more man then I am. And I'm a man. At least I thought so until I read this post.

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Oct 27, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

I love reading your posts, especially the parts about the farm. I’ve never dreamed nor wanted to be a farm girl, so I get a kick out of your antics. That type of country living is too rough for me. I subscribed to your Substack because you were not afraid to use the word “fuck”in your comments to other authors. It’s my favorite swear word, releases all my emotions! I became a paid subscriber when I found out about your farm, your family, and your contributions to society. I wanted you to keep Substack , and not stop writing to p/u a high paying word soup gig.

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I'm in awe of you. I'm failing miserably at 5 chickens and have spent a king's ransom securing the coop against rats. Just discovered a new superhighway and I believe they've set up camp in the nesting box straw but I'm not brave enough to rummage around and find out. As an animal husbandry poser, I bow to the real thing.

However, I do have some fine accidental chickenshit pumpkins. They grew in a lush jungle

onto the roof of the vacant quarter of the coop that was being deratified. So there's that.

Oh and the geopolitical analysis is damn good too. Not being a guy, I won't call you naughty names.

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It seems like Xi wants Wang even more.

I'll show myself out.

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Oct 27, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

Glad Thistle feels better. That nose💕

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Oct 27, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

Keep post- op pain under control. It's hard to ketchup 😂

Seriously, though, you'll do great, champ! No throw rugs

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Oct 27, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

Dogs and boars and Curtis, oh my! What a fright! Not afraid of moose, pine marten, wolf, lynx or bear - but boars, especially the wild ones in the southern half of Sweden scare the breeks off of me. Walking in the beech (Fagus sylvatica) forests down there and suddenly you here them drumming the ground in warning, but you don't see them and the drumming seems to come from all around you - no thank you. So my sympathies on your ordeal or whatever the ---- one's supposed to say.

ToH is best enjoyed with newly-minted players (nyeh-heh-heh-heee). "I put my hand into the hole" - muahahahaha! We once combined it with Paranoia and whiskey shots, "Mekong-whiskey my mate who'd been in Vietnam called it since he brought it from there and the label was in vietnamese only. Day after the tongue felt as if you'd been licking freshly laid asphalt.

Can't fault your reasoning on elections - sounds like home to me, 'cause that's the way the Socialist Democrats has played it from the mid-1970s: Economic downturn on the way? Leave a walk-over while paying lip-service, then come back with a vengeance the next election, blameless and washed clean in the blood of democracy, or something.

Can I ask out of sheer curiosity, if it's not too personal, why Balder and not Frej (or Frö as some spell it)? Balder is nice and all, being a thoroughly good guy, but fertility and agriculture is Frej's thing. Not to mention him having a ship you can fold up and put in your pocket, a sword which fights on its own accord, and that he rides a golden boar.

In the interest of fairness, I tend more towards Ull (Uller) and Vidar, and Frigg.

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My approach to recalcitrant fruit trees is they ain't dead until I say so. This has worked pretty well.

My attempt at organic salad-growing was pissed away by the late unlamented ex-father-in-law's wretched dog Jackie. One of my great triumphs was the moment my presumably now long-gone dog Kallie put an amused paw on Jackie and knocked him down, entirely without malice.

The behavior of your dogs reminds me that maybe I'm one of the luckier people alive in that the street dog who adopted us graciously chose never to take my hand off at the forearm. We had a little game between us where she'd take my hand in her mouth and I'd whack her with a newspaper, rinse, repeat. I trusted her absolutely but less fortunate people, throughout history, have said the same right before they lost all of their limbs.

Good political round-up. But I remain pretty sure that Democrats will rally behind Fetterman to the end because they expect the missus to take over as soon after the swearing-in as can be managed. Everything hangs on a Mastriano victory to thwart that and that don't seem completely likely.

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Oct 27, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

I think your predictions are likely.

Make sure you do your ROM!!!

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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

Dr. Paul Alexander, in one of his posts yesterday, was making the point that maybe "we" should throw the midterms to give "them" a nice long time to completely make everyone hate them, so we'd be able to take 2024. Mentioning that if we take the midterms it would probably bode that it would be the last election any Republicans would ever win. With never again a Republican president. --- Fetterman makes me think of a WWE wrestler, with the IQ to match.

I volunteer Gens Y and Z for the front lines of whatever war we end up with. ALL of them, no volunteers, all drafted at once. Lots of them can be paratroopers. (They get shot floating to the ground.) Hopefully, any newer parents can raise their kids to not be such losers.

I've got you tell you that I enjoy your posts so very much. Even the weird polls.

Those are some beautiful squash. Volunteer squash at that! The only volunteer plants I have in my yard are weeds. 😒 Although, some of them are edible, so if there are no groceries and the government makes me stop growing lettuce, I can still have a salad.

VERY glad that you and the dogs weren't hurt and that poor piggy is healing well. Also, that you've gotten the cows "trained." 😂

Curtis was awesome to come to your aid!

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Also, on a local level, the cows are very much enjoying spending all day our in Pasture 3, tentatively being held in by just the electric wires while we work tirelessly to put up fence panels around the outside, and then coming back home by 6pm or so for a big bucket of feed corn. It's a routine that everyone all just kind of fell into, and have been following for about a week now, and we're super thrilled that it's going as well has it has been. The couple of times we forgot to go check on them before dark, we went out there with flashlights to find them waiting dutifully for their dessert.

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I closed my PayPal this week. Almost exactly nineteen years of funding billionaires for very slight convenience shopping on line. Couldn't even remember the last time I went on eBay, which was the only reason to sign up originally.

Strange how wistful I become when thinking of putting a cheque in the post to buy cheap SuperNintendo games.

I also am weary of Musk but his antics get the demoralised leftbots up in arms and that's always worth a lol.

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