"I even made it look like a dong. Husbandmouth vetoed spilling milk at the end of the table to really nail the photo because it was his place at the table. Gay."

I love you guys :) Happy Thanksgiving!

I appreciated this whole post, particularly the last half. We all, but the left most of all, need to get a lot better about policing the bad behavior of our own "side." LGBTs really need to disavow and throw out the pedos, just as the right wingers need to throw out the antisemites and racial purity people. (The left should also throw out their antisemites...) The whole allies for the sake of having allies thing has made for some very strange bedfellows, and as you say, leads to a lot of otherwise good people being accomplices to some true monsters.

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The stupid tendency to adopt extreme positions when reasonable stances are available is what made me start writing my thing.

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My approach to rationality started somewhere with " any law named after someone's dead family member is probably going to be bad for us in general."

Private emotion and public policy are different universes and should avoid leaking as much as possible.

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Tangentially, what on earth is going on with America's legislative nomenclature in general. It's like you have marketing agencies making laws there.

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Oh, what, the I Love Ice Cream Bill on congressional appropriations doesn't do it for you?

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I am prepared to believe that name is real

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Parliament doesn't do things like this?

We don't have the Falafel Tastes Delicious bill to protect grooming gangs?

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

I'm not convinced there's a way to disavow, throw out, or exclude any group until we run out of alphanumeric characters.

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I don't think it's even NECESSARY to disavow a "group." Disavowing unacceptable behaviors shouldn't be hard- so-called liberals shouldn't have a difficult time saying that it's immoral to sexualize or sexually assault children.

Muslims don't need to publicly disavow terrorists every time an Islamist blows something up. Someone just needs to say "Islam is not about blowing stuff up."

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That's a good point, it is the behavior that is the problem. At some point, however, the behavior and the people are sort of intertwined. It is one thing to say "Look, you gotta stop with the antisemetic shit or you aren't getting invited to the party anymore" but you can't quite say that about pedophiles, or terrorists for that matter. It isn't enough to just shut up about the whole wanting to sexually abuse/blow up children thing, they have to stop doing it entirely.

I suppose it comes down to the fact I am not really willing to kill someone because they really dislike some other group in an unjust way. I am totally willing to kill pedophiles and terrorists. People who say "Look, they aren't that bad" about those two groups are insufficiently ethical to my mind.

And like you say, how fucking hard is it to say "It is wrong to sexually abuse children"? Anyone who stumbles over those words... what the hell is wrong with them? I can appreciate wanting to be careful with what you say, and not take an overly strong position but what possible caveat could one come up with there?

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I'm not willing to kill anyone for ideas. Pretty much end of story.

I'm willing to kill someone if their ideas lead to actions that place me or someone I care about, including my community, in an unacceptable position.

>> And like you say, how fucking hard is it to say "It is wrong to sexually abuse children"? Anyone who stumbles over those words... what the hell is wrong with them?

It's the Lovecraftian curse of postmodern critical theory. It hinges entirely on its own internal consistency- if you can make a statement like "pedophilia is NEVER okay," it means that moral absolutes exist, and your entire belief structure is mortally wounded. It's why they're such fragile debaters.

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The problem isn't "It is wrong to sexually abuse children" as you ay, since everyone agrees it is wrong.

The problem is that pedophiles and pedohile apologists don't see sexualrelations between adults and children as wrong.

So they'd happily chime in decrying child abuse and then go right back to grooming and committing sexual abuse. That's the main reason pedophilia is completely untreatable: the pedophile cannot feel and perceive his or hers compulsion as wrong. Instead, they insist thatchildren like the attention and the sex and it is society that stigmatises their act, causing the child's (the victim wewuld say) psychological problems.

A friend of my wife is a retired psychiatrist who specialised in treating (or rather trying to treat) pedophiles, and his conclusion after some 50 years experience and scientific research runs like this, paraphrased from an evening more than15 years ago:

"If the person in question perceives and experiences the urges as an outside influence, and as a compulsion, and seeks aid for it before committing any acts and keeps away from child pornography (or any pornography for that matter), then they can with life-long weekly contact with a psycholgist or therapist avoid committing abusive acts. Chemo-therapies barring chemcially induced lobotomy are as of yet still very tentative in the results, so we don't know enough about that yet. Chemical castration doesn't work very well -the results are allover the place and moststudies cherry-pick toget the desired result of the one ordering the study.

A pedophile typically start with small acts of abuse and work their way up to full rape, mutliation and torture of the victim, eventually but thankfully rare with murder. As pedophiles seek eachother out, they enforce and reinforce the narrative that what they do is right, moral and normal and that they are the misunderstood victims.

Once they have gone so far as to commit rape of a child, they are completely uncurable and untratable, since they know full well that they have no wayback into society again. The only way to prevent further abuse and rape is to keep then locked up for life (that's his words, I can certainly think of another way to prevent it).

Now, when we add cultural factors to this..."

Having listened in on debates about sexuality of the fringe varieties at the Institution of Gender Studies at Lund university when my wife was involved there, I can say this: 100% of the gay men there, 100% of the transsexuals there (pick-n-mix genders wasn't a thing yet) and 95% of the feminists there (basically the entire institution, from students to tutors, prefects and professors) felt sorry for pedophiles. Calling them misunderstood. Victims. Stigmatised. And the rest of the mental scrofula passing for ethics and moralin those circles.

In all her time there, and in all my years being a support-member of RFSL (swedish eq. to GLAAD), I never once heard anyone mention the victims.

And that told me all I ever need to know about where the "gay movement", transactivists and modern pomo feminism is on pedophilia.


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1) those stats are shocking. I wouldn't have guessed. Then again, it's a self-selected subset of those populations (University students in the woo department), so I guess it's predictable their views would be postmodern and uniform.

2) yes, your breakdown of ego-syntonic vs. ego-dystonic pederasty aligns perfectly with my experience and everything I've read. In many Eastern cultures in historical times the honorable thing to do was to put yourself in a monastery.

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Yes, should have pointed out the self-selection bias, but still!

A consensus focus on feeling sorry and making excuses for the perpetrator! This from women who lived and breathed "believe survivors"-catchphrases when it came to heterosexual rape. Or calling married women "gender-traitors".

I still remember (with petty Schadenfreude/Skadeglädje) the internecine war over data showing that domestic/relationship violence and abuse was most common in...

...lesbian relationships. And that the violence, while less outright brutal than male perpetrator/female victim, was by far more studiedly sadistic and torture-like.

While male/male was least likely re: assault/physical abuse.

Stuff like that made it abuntantly clear that this institution and these women were not interested in learning about any facts or how things actually are; their sole focus was on producing ideology, dogma and to insert themselves and people aligned with them as gatekeepers (per Foucault and Derrida's use of the term) between the datasources and the decicionmakers.

As for the honourable thing to do... well. Given that children are unreliable witnesses even when victims (even more so than adults) and that I know of at least three major local scandals due to hysteria where captured clercs and agencies colluded seemingly on instinct to make the facts fit the accusations, perhaps life in some kind of walled-off institution is a good compromise between the Mozambique drill and today's "let them out again and again and hope for the best"-routine?

Having had friends who suffered abuse as children (resulting in sterility as a poison cherry on top of the pile of abuse for one girl, her inside lady-parts destroyed before puberty) I am not unbiased and find it very difficult to not devolve to roaring "Line them up and stand well back!" when the topic is child abuse of this kind. Hence the walls of text.

Should have led with that, maybe.

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

Islam is a poor analogy for this, since it is, in fact, about blowing stuff up. So tolerance for Islam ceteris paribus gets you communities large enough to enforce Islamic habits of killing those who are insufficiently woke. It is like those Twitter purity spirals only with knives and stones.

Make "gayness" like that, throw in differential ephebiphillia*, and hey presto, you're back to where Mme Guttermouth began with her essay.

So *IS* Teh Ghey is "like Islam": i.e. the map reasonably approximates the territory? Is it a tribal, religious belief as well as a kink? I am guessing that is a separate discussion to the post.

Because people do get stuck sexually, and need to be able to live productive, peaceful lives despite it. Without, as the Kids These Days would say, privileging the predatory aristos.

* Large age differences between fertile young teenage girls and responsible adult men can and have led to happy fruitful lives with grandkids in. Getting stuck sexually fixated on one's husband is fine. This scenario is unwise to encourage, but not vile. Courting and winning a boy on the cusp of puberty - the same age as the physically mature girl above, can render him stuck, and sterile; cut off from the greater part of human experience. You want taboo, try having the above convo sensibly.

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I don't know that I'd argue that being homosexual is a belief system, and that can be demonstrated by its occurrence in basically every culture on earth including ones without "gay culture."

"Gay culture" is certainly a thing, but it's just that, a cultural construct. We can argue that tolerance for pedophilia, profligacy, etc., are bad traits that have become associated with North American gay culture, but that's distinct from one's orientation.

And, admittedly, Islam was a bad example; jihad is intrinsic to its theology. I was attempting to create a reasonable standard by which the large population of culturally Islamic people that aren't any more religions than Christmas Christians probably aren't at all interested in jihad and shouldn't have to defend themselves every time Islamists blow things up, just as Christians shouldn't have to justify themselves as a population every single time someone behaves badly or criminally and mentions Jesus.

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Dec 2, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

I would not argue that either. That is, that gayness = tribe and faith. It might, but it seems a poor fit. One would have to prove that the gay subcultures in say, East Timor, Kiev, and Albuquerque share startling commonalities.

Now, if Christians behave badly *as* Christians, that is, doing things required by their faith that non Christians dislike, then yes. The secularized masses that do not take Christian law, practice, and truth-claims seriously *do* have to apologize and police their own. As they have done, for example, in academia.

Ditto Muslims.

So again, not a good match for those who are incapable of forming a sexual pair-bond with a member of their secies.

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ICYMI, "Gays Against Groomers" got their PayPal & Venmo access shut down. https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/gays-against-groomers-says-venmo-paypal-google-shut-down-accounts-violating-user-agreements

Makes you think.

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My point.

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

Perhaps as Jaimie Mitchell and Tucker Carlson alluded to in the interview, Paypal and Venmo are supportive of pedophilia? Not that MSM would call out Paypal and Venmo on this because pot, kettle but they should. Seems the only media outlets that have covered this are 'conservative', which makes it even more plausible. IMHO

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Given the likely associations of PP/V's leadership, I'm sure there are at least a few creatures in there protecting GloboPedo.

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You were right, I do fit in here. Everything you said in this post is "normal" for me.

As for the LGBTQ crowd and pedos, I would like to send the message to the LGBTQ crowd, you need to get out in front of this issue or those of us who love you are not going to be able to protect you from the backlash.

And yeah...the pedos are being released to distract the violence that otherwise would be about.....

"No one- not the Chinese, not anyone else in this world- is going to get off the Dystopian Death Future ride without some blood."

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I'm glad to hear that you're on the road to recovery, Guttermouth.

So true about reflecting on the hardship of the permanently disabled. The blessing of good health is always taken for granted, until it's gone.

I do not trust Musk. At all. I am sticking to a principle I've held for about 2 years now: never, ever, under any circumstances, trust someone who wants to implant a chip into your brain. Especially if he was seen at the Met Gala sporting a jacket announcing his allegiance to the New World Order. But that's just me. I'm kinda short on trust, going on 3 years now.

Speaking of which...is China undergoing a CIA color revolution? God bless those people agitating for freedom and fundamental human rights. I hope they pull it off and topple that vile government. Then, I pray that they can fend off evil foreign predators (us) who will rush in to strip mine their nation.

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Hey, doc.

Agreed about Musk. There is no logical reason to trust him and plenty of things he does that should evoke reasonable suspicion.

Interesting what you said about a color revolution. I hadn't considered that angle at all, it seemed to move too fast.

I'm gonna need to think that over.

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

Giving the CIA too much credit? Maybe they operate in China but I'm thinking that pulling off a color revolution there is way above their capabilities. I hope I'm not wrong on that or we are all doomed.

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Yeah, like I said, I hadn't considered it at all, and honestly, I'd be surprised if it were actually a motivation of theirs. I suspect most of our intelligence agencies get a raging Freedom Boner when they think about the amount of power CCP agents have over their fellow citizens.

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I'm not sure a color revolution is going on, but my head is spinning from all the lies and gaslighting, I'm at the point where I question virtually everything happening in the world. MSM reports and official government positions, especially.

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Still, you raise a reminder to remain skeptical.

Dare I ask your position on the latter half of the post? If your silence on the matter is intended as polite disagreement, please disregard. :)

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No, I am collecting my thoughts on that and will get back to you, Guttermouth. I read your post late last night and didn't have time to organize a proper response. I am a painfully slow writer.

Really, really hectic day here, but I will get back to you tonight or tomorrow. I promise! Have a good day.

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Fair enough. It's a busy one for me too.

Get to it when you get to it. :)

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I certainly do not hate gay people (well, except for WEF weasel Noah Harari), nor do I think that they are closeted (wink) pedophiles. Substack doesn't allow me to peruse my old comments, but I remember tossing the comment that most cases of priest molestation are by homosexual men at a writer (who I otherwise like very much) who mocked Catholic priests as rapists, and I snarkily asked if he was willing to make that politically incorrect connection. I bristled at his cheap shot. You know and respect a lot of LGBT people, and I know and respect a lot of priests.

I was in grad school while AIDS was exploding in the gay population. During a lecture on this subject, my histology professor showed us slides of the tissue lining the vagina, then clicked to a slide of rectal tissue. One was clearly suited for and (maybe? perhaps?) "designed" for penetration, the other...not so much. Life results from intercourse in one case, disease in the other. He presented a scientific fact that would have him defenestrated today.

As smoking declined, the incidence of oral cancer did, too. Alcohol combined with the heat from a lung dart were a deadly combination for the delicate tissue of the oral cavity. Oral cancer is on the rise again, but it's a different type: one brought about as a result of introducing HPV into the mouth via oral sex.

So, if my math and biology are right, that leaves us only one other spot to umm...well...you know. And whattya know! Actual human life can be created that way. Amazing!

So, what am I getting at? Science seems to support the position that all world religions hold on homosexuality. I suppose one can argue that promiscuity, and not homosexuality, is to blame for disease, and that's a fair point. But research shows that half of gay marriages are open marriages, so traditional, monogamous marriage is discarded by an astonishingly high number of gay couples. There have also been a number of prominent gay people who admitted that they seek the destruction of the institution of marriage. If you want, I will spend time trying to find those quotes.

As for Christians espousing the cause of gay marriage? They do so in direct opposition to the Bible. A few years ago I listened to a Great Courses series on the Old Testament given by a woman professor from Vanderbilt in which, to my surprise, she actually addressed the issue. She made it abundantly clear that there is absolutely no wiggle room; the act is condemned in scripture. Jesus clearly stated that He came not to change the law, but to fulfill it.

You needn't fear a backlash against gay people. Their side has won the culture war in a route. Gay flag manufacturers are doing brisk business selling their wares to Protestant churches in my neighborhood. The Catholic Church is holding steady, but even there, German bishops are agitating to conduct blessings of same-sex couples. Pope Francis is a globalist puppet willing to chuck aside any belief antithetical to the NWO. Orthodox Christianity will diminish as the culture turns against its retrograde beliefs, exactly as predicted by Nietzsche (he gave it 200 years from his writings) and in the Bible.

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The emerging common thread between some members of this backwater substack community is actually apolitical humanity.

I worry about signs of revolution in China because the last fucking thing the world needs is another freedom-loving giant like the US. At least, while they openly oppress their own people, they aren't exporting their 'values' to the rest of us. This is a half-formed thought, driven only by vague intuition, so demolish it gently.

My Twitter is no more because I had to face up to the fact that it exposes the worst of me. Like a bad relationship.

Your recovery is remarkable and reassuring.

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A surprisingly harsh and- dare I say it, unkind?- take coming from you!

You made the right choice about Twitter. My views on the technology are clear, it's inherently poison, it's purely a question of whether you're someone who finds a reason why you can't possibly keep away.

I agree with an obscure point EGM made about a year ago (that I can't find so maybe I imagined it or read them saying it elsewhere?) that maybe the development of social media marks an extinction inflection point that potentially dooms sapient species, like discovering fission or sexual liberation or pumpkin spice.

I wonder how many planets have "and then they all killed each other in the Twitter wars" in the cosmic record.

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I'm all about counterculture, baby. One of the things that marks me as literally Nazi-adjacent is not just not caring about some people but actively avoiding Chinese products, where possible.

[Sent from a Vietnamese-assembled device in a California-manufactured case]

Seriously, though, I'm not happy that the CCP is shitting all over its people. But all that will happen when it's overthrown is several billion people 'led' like we are, just as the world enters the inevitable and permanent global wealth contraction that's coming.

What do I know, though.

PS I'm especially enjoying how my president is angry with your president for basically coopting your previous president's America-first international trade approach.

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

You said a mouthful (is that the right expression I wonder?).

As for pedos, not all gays are pedos but virtually all pedos are gay or rather: doesn't discriminate based on sex, and the pedos hide out among the gay culture, which has a lot of problems with how to handle pedos - old man/young boy being a staple of it since antiquity, and exactly where the edge for young boy is, is contentious and contested.

Ever since the 1950s, lots of child psychologists have tried to normalise pedophilia in various ways - from the icky "children like to be taught to have sex"-variety (aka pedo with a diploma) to the "society's stigmatisation is the real problem"-cult of today. While the first ones are largely discredited today - thankfully! - the second type hang out among modern feminists, wokies, pomos, and gays, piggy-backing on the gay movements old line of argument about removing homosexuality from being classified a mental disorder. Fully logical too: if the state or medical authorities are disallowed from defining one type of sexual preference as mental illness, why not another?

That's the logical trap used to keep the majority of the gay movement quiet - same way second and third wave feminism kept women objecting to having to buy the whole Solanas/Dworkin package of misandrism and anti-family values: allude to dissent meaning you're a traitor to the cause.

In my opinion, the gay movement have largely themselves to blame for this, for not taking a clear and public anti-pedophilia stance. Local example: the board of Pride in Sweden had 3 out of every 5 members of the board having criminal convictions for sexual abuse of minors. When this was revealed, the response was - from affiliated politicians and legacy media and Pride and RFSL (think GLAAD for the US) - to demonise the reveal as harmful to gays.


Don't fight about jobs being hard to find. I know you know I know you know and so on, but still. Been there myself, when all that fear and sadness and shame (yes, shame - not being able to be picked out as worthy of even a menial job makes you feel castrated and emasculated, not that it feels any better for a woman for that matter) and frustration boils over and just have to find an out and you wind up screaming "Why don't you get off your lazy ass and geta job you slob of a man!" and "Because my back is busted in two places and I'm in constant pain and my eye sight is going so I can't drive and do you know how hard it is to find a job not requiring a car and a license!" and so on in a death spiral.

Remembering that it is "us against the problem" is the lifebuoy there.


Overjoyed you're looking into hugelkultur (hugilbädd in swedish). So many ways to build them out of virtually nothing but twigs and dirt. For a flintskin like me making something without spending a crown on it is almost XXX-rated. More to follow, to avoid wall of text.

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

Right, hugelkultur.

I've done this for three years now:

When clearing underbrush and shrubs, I keep all the little twigs and long gangly stems and boles and branches. Twigs (at least 3 feet) go in one pile, the rest (preferably yard and a half or longer) go a in another. The thickest bits, say two inches across and three feetlong, becomes poles.

So, one pole hammered down to depth of two feet, leaving one feet above ground. Spaced about a foot apart, depending on materials and how the ground is. I usually make rectangles.

Then, the longer bits are weaved between the poles legthwise and from the ground up. The twigs are used to plug gaps, tie together the corners if needed, and the rest is used tocover the ground inside (though I always cover it with non-toxic cardboard first to help suffocate any weeds).

Then I pile old ensilage (can usually get it for free from neighbours with meadows and such, it not being much use to them if it's waterdamaged in the bale) until the hugelmound is full.

Year one, I plant potatos there. The need to have sprouted first and then I wrap the potato tightly in ensilage and bury it about a foot down in the ensilage. As the stem grows I pile more ensilage around it to encourage growth and to keep the budding potatos covered from sunlight. I've found Asterix potatos the best for this since they are quite hardy and are slow-growing anyway. After harvest, each kultur is topped with the dreck from the henhouses before the snow come (which was two weeks ago...).

Year two, I usually go for turnips, swedes, cabbages, kale, daikon, that kind of stuff, since by then the ensliage has started to turn to soil. Don't expect large fruits, year two is for variety and for fertilising the budding soil. What leaves from the root veggies the hens don't get are mixed in with the stuff in the kultur.

Year three is generally peas, beans, and such -precultivated indoors first and planted with a ball of soil around the roots. All stems and leaves are left to wither and rot after harvest.

And then it'spotato-time again. By now,after threewinters, the hugelbädd will have collpased to a third of its original thickness, meaning it's time to top it up with new ensilage again.

And the cycle starts anew (cue smarmy violins).

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Thanks for these directions. Some of these steps are different from versions I've heard. I'm interested in implementing them.

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I've adapted to what's available locally (mainly young scrawny birches and willows growing everywhere there's a stream) and to the poor soil, or rather lack of soil. The land here is old Ice Age seabottom/riverbeds, so it's stone and gravel and sand with a thin layer of mineral-rich but nutrition-wise poor soil on top. Think it's called "glacial till" in english?

I'm very averse (too much so) to solutions that's "drive into big brand store and buy everything you need for thousands of dollars" - what's the ROI of a storebought greenhouse costing $6 500 excl. delivery, that needs a concrete foundation and only covers about 5*5 meters? Sure, if you can afford that comfortably - go fo it! I can't, so I make do. That kind of reason. Maybe I'm being snobbish but to me, if you can just "pay-to-win", then there's no joy in it.

Daikon are great for enriching and areating the soil apparently. Plus they look like huge white uncircumsized wangs.

Main thing, experiment! You could build lots of smaller beds - say 1*3 yards - and try out different combos of filling with different crops.

One thing we did this year was turning an old be over. This one is a dug pit instead, no built-up sides. The pit is lined with old brick roof panes to hamper weeds. In the middle, I put down tomato plants in late May and then used more panes to cover the bed almost completely, just leaving the plants sticking up. I then put old windws, th kind you can fold out in the middle sothey look like roof sort of. Put these lengthwise over the tomatos like mini-greehouses with open short ends.

Worked like a charm for retaining heat- we had fresh tomatoes until early Oktober.

And bonus! If it doesn't work out, you can blame me for it!

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It is also great for water conservation when planting young trees. Scrape down a bit and pack the logs and twigs in, soak thoroughly, put the soil back in mixed with the leaves and mulch and plant the trees on top.

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Absolutely! Sometimes, the poles I use are so fresh they sprout new leafs and take root despite the poor soil. Mainly pussy willow and rusty sallow but even rowan and birch and alder make the attempt.

One thing to lookout for which I completely forgot until now, is these mounds attracts voles and mice and rats if there any nearby,so some thought needs to go into that too.

We accidently caused an explosive increase in the numbers of huggorm (Vipera berus, common european adder) since we increased the amount of mice for them.

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

Speaking only for myself: the "LGBT = pedophilia" is baffling and something I've encountered only online. The gay and lesbian folks I know in Real Life want, like most of us, just to be left alone to garden and watch TV and raise their families without being dragged, so to speak, into a politicized catchall group of LGBTQIA2+++(and-now-with-P!) intersectional victimhood tokens that definitely do NOT all share the same goals and values.

It used to be enough to be "just gay", politically. But now that's too vanilla, so in the quest to be more-inclusive-than-thou, the trend has gone all the way to supporting pedophilia. Hopefully this is the end, the rock bottom, and I hope too that the gay folks who've fought for acceptance over the last few decades don't get hurt in the backlash.

And finally, here's my unpopular opinion: I do accept that some people are attracted to children. Or animals. Or vulnerable adults. I find it weird and personally repugnant, but they're free to fantasize in their heads about who or whatever they want when having a wank. The moment they act on those fantasies, though, either personally or politically... now we have a problem.

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This 100%. As I said, I'm not interested in killing anyone over an idea. I'm interested in actions that impact others- specifically, me and people I care about.

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

I can personally say that the men I knew when I was < a teen, that paid an inordinate amount of attention to me, were NOT LGBT or any additional letters. They were S.T.R.A I.G.H.T.!

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There are some men that have truly disgusting attitudes about the sexual availability of women that probably don't even think of themselves as pedophiles in the sense we're talking about that are still capable of equally traumatizing girls.

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Very true.

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This is a tough one. One of my sons was being groomed by his first grade teacher. As a single mom, I was the perfect target and this guy was a well-respected teacher and gay man in our very liberal, college town. There were several red flags and I dismissed them (to my never ending shame in the matter). Another parent at the elementary school confronted me in a grocery store. She and I had never talked at all - and told me her concerns. She had a background in working with children of sexual abuse. Once she told me her concerns, all those things I kept dismissing came to the forefront of my consciousness and I felt physically sick. Not to mention the concern for my son's well being and getting to the bottom of what happened.

Because my son was young we tried to keep it quiet, but some people in our small school made assumptions that it was us. I knew that just because someone is gay doesn't mean they are attracted to children and when there were warning signs I chose to dismiss themnrather than make accusations about a respected grown man. After therapy with a specialist, it was decided there wasn't enough evidence to go to court. The fact that physical evidence is required to pursue such a matter that often takes months if not years to consummate is more than infuriating. Add to that my experience being a teacher of deaf child called to testify in court about this child's behavior and the things he "said" to me through ASL . He was being extremely physically and sexually abused by his step-father (6 concussions in 6 months), which had happened almost a decade before the situation with my son. The things I thought I knew were obliterated, as they continue to be. The situation with the deaf child blew apart my belief that children were resilient. The situation with my son blew apart my belief that I would not be one of 'those' parents that would allow that to happen on my watch.

I don't think LGBT equals pedo, but I do think the normalization of incest and pedophilia is happening and has been for more than 50 years. The 'free love' movement of the 60's also had a "children are born sexual" element that was conveniently forgotten, it seems. I don't have cable and I don't really stream anything, but the stories from my grown children about what they see and are part of the current story lines is alarming.

I do think the push for trans is to make the leap to transhuman more acceptable. The idea of being medically dependent for your 'gender' is such a coup for the medical cartel. How could you possibly question their authority if you were so dependent upon them?

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I don't know that I'd agree that "The fact that physical evidence is required to pursue such a matter that often takes months if not years to consummate is more than infuriating." An accusation- not even a conviction or an arrest- of child sexual abuse absolutely destroys the life of the accused. I've seen it firsthand in child services. You will lose your job. You will be run out of your community. You will lose most if not all of your friends and probably your family. It won't matter if charges aren't ultimately brought against you or if you are found innocent in court- "everyone knows what really happened," and you're finished. I've seen it used as a weapon in divorce proceedings or even just exceptionally shitty teenagers trying to destroy a teacher or parent.

Given the stakes, yes, I think requiring some physical evidence isn't asking too much in a society that allegedly values due process.

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Let me be clear (if my preamble in the post wasn't enough): sexual predators are absolutely real, I've met them and investigated them, and they're most commonly family members.

But because the progressive bullshit isn't a reflection of reality, for the vast majority of real humans, child molestation is such a severe taboo that the accusation alone annihilates the accused and requires a judicious response.

I've also seen cases where young children, especially if they had developmental problems, were easily persuaded, led, or convinced by zealous social workers or vengeful family members to say or believe convoluted versions of things that demonstrably never occurred (I saw one child coached to say a family member had killed a family pet that never existed outside of the child's imagination).

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

Sorry. Yes, agreed. The woke rhetoric does not reflect reality. Yes, gays are not necessarily more apt to be pedos.

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No need to be sorry! I wanted to clarify my position to you. You didn't need to delete your statement, there was nothing wrong with it.

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

I deleted because I never meant to say my history out loud.

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

Yes, remember the McMartin Preschool case, started by a mentally ill woman and backed up by children testifying about being taken into non-existent tunnels and other absurdities. Millions of dollars spent, several lives ruined, a business destroyed and all for nothing--no convictions at all and all charges eventually dropped. And I believe that there are some people still in prison who were convicted during the Satanic panic on equally spurious cases.

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Thankfully many of those cases are being reviewed and overturned- it is still going on.

I actually learned specifically about the McMartin case as a training example of how to interview children/interrogate POIs without creating suggestive or leading narratives. Some (but not all) courts (but mainly defense lawyers) have gotten very smart about how easy it is to make someone speak fantasy.

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Despite some differences, I agree.

The process is the punishment, and that is on purpose.

The problem is that the systemic de-linking of justice from the justice system, means going back to tribal law where different is dead.

And yes, those currently living large on the house of sand that was lawfare who are not themselves aristos, are in serious trouble.

Their only hope is localism.

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The push for normalization is because so many "elite" engage in it.

Same for Satan (Baal) worship.

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Absolutely. And post-truth is necessary for the world/future they want us to be enslaved.

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I appreciate the leap to transhumanism. Anything they can do to make us more dependent and less human/whole, the better for them.

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I think this is a good summation:

"And it sure is convenient for the Epsteins and the Bankman-Frieds of the world, who we would never be able to chase down the street and lynch on a normal day, to have a nice visible group of people for us to turn our rage on instead."

and also this:

"The promotion of pedophilia is coming from the woke, postmodern, socially-destructive left, most of them also followers of the agenda of globalist technocracy. Some of them may also be LGBT- many probably just think they are because their identities are so insubstantial and polluted that they’d identify as anything that might give them more meaning or attention or the simulation of love. Most of them aren’t. Epstein sure wasn’t LGBT, nor were the vast majority of his known affiliates."

There are absolutely a few complete fucking idiots who live their entire lives online who've argued for "liberating" children into sexuality. They all mostly have anime characters as their twitter photo and rarely talk about anything that doesn't happen on a computer, and that's the connection. Live most of your life believing other people and especially children are just pixels and it's easy to come up with ideas about how to treat them as such.

On the other hand, it's worth mentioning that the new satanic panic about pedophiles hiding in your cereal box is currently limited to the US and a tiny bit in the UK. In both places, "our children" function in the mind the way that "our women" do in French and German culture or "our foreskins" did in medieval European culture as the sacred object all the jealous evil barbarians were trying to steal. When people are experiencing societal chaos and instability, its bizarrely comforting to imagine you have something everyone else is trying to take from you and corrupt.

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The circumcision comparison is absolute fucking money.

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Good post. Glad healing is fab. Much to say,but tore tendons in rt hand. Wussing.

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When you're able, please tell me what happened! Take extremely good care of your instrument.

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Girl...it was not applying my art like you were. Valhalla must wait.

I am wondering if I have crappy karma...😑

I like the interview idea,especially as I really feel folks would let their hair down with you,yet you're insightful enough to elicit interesting and " wtf? Who knew?!" Moments.

Need beefy chik pics. Fencing holding?

Stress from $$ in the household- hard not to be thus.

I don't like people ,but wish I could spend a Gutterballs Unite ! weekend. Barbarian Barnraising. Homestead Teaching weekend.

Well...pain meds shearing off...positive note: texting sooooo slow - not my usual shitshow!

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We will absolutely, positively do a Gutterballs Unite weekend when my life is settled enough to organize one.

So what exactly did you do to your hand?

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Should $$ fall gently from the sky, I'll do a South of the Gutter gathering of the tribe. North Ga is gorgeous mtn country.

Regarding hand: fuck if I know. You can have a handshake that'll make grown men flinch, but apparently you shouldn't push back on said hand trying not to dislodge a recently shredded clavicle connection,while getting off the floor.

There ought to be a I&K Owner's Manual for Dummies. 🙄

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I love Northern GA. Been many years. And I'd be deeply honored to visit your dojo.

How did the clavicle happen?

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I rent space in a historic 100yr old gym at our rural community center. Phoenix Rising Defensive Arts will become Phoenix Soaring Foundation should I manage the $$. It would be my humble privilege to have you on my mats, fellow warrioress.

The clavicle got ripped out because I had laid a hand on my ramp's handrail...so when a runner flew out from underneath me on our first hard freeze, instead of safely falling ( like I'm trained to) my other arm also flew out...and I caught my lightweight waif of a body (😂😂😂I lie!!) Without letting myself drop.

It sounded like velcro...🤔

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

i take everyone as an individual, dont care how you identify as long as you dont push it on me.

theres a video link in here to a product that will help in your recovery, its an excellent eye opening video well worth the time https://open.substack.com/pub/20thcenturyray/p/msm-is-wonderful?r=14o3q9&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Thanks, checking it out now.

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

I voted Steve Guttenberg, because I hate having to watch interviews. I'd gladly read a good interview. --- I AM sooooo very happy that things are going well with your knee! Keep up the great work, but obey and don't do the "forbidden" items! I sure missed your posts.

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Thanks a lot, Bandit, it's great to see you around.

It is admittedly hard to slow down and accept advice to limit myself. It's been a learning experience in that regard.

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Unluckily, I'm the opposite. They have to hold a gun to my head to get me to do my therapy. But, I have come through my 2 surgeries fine and everything works as it's supposed to and better. 🤗

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They constantly assure me that I will 100% be able to play sports and run around like a maniac when I'm done, I just have to be patient.

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I wish the trauma inflicted on the children weren't permanent. If there is no physical evidence and no actual penetration doesn't mean the child's intimate relationships aren't affected for life. Children do not make this shit up. Teenagers, yes, depending on the circumstances. Indeed, the accused will most likely lose their job and their community if charges are brought against them.

I wish the accusation had ruined my son's teacher's life. There was a similar situation in his past with no court proceedings and he moved down to my neck of the woods for a couple decades. After my family's interaction with him, he changed the name he was using and tried private tutoring. I hope he's quadruple vaxxed, at the very least.

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Something to think about. This was a thing that really happened. Children do, in fact, "make this shit up" frequently, often because they've been interviewed incorrectly or manipulated to do so.

I'm sorry for what happened to your boy, and his teacher certainly sounds guilty (enough unrelated accusations certainly suggests something is going on). That doesn't mean I believe accusations by children should immediately constitute affirmations of guilt for what is just about the worst crime in a civilized society.

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That's one example and the children did not make it up. According to the report they were coerced or improperly questioned. There are other examples that are true.

"The Franklin Scandal" by Nick Bryant is about a child sex prostitution ring in Omaha, Nebraska involving corruption and government officials.

You might not be ready for it, but "Weird Scenes Inside the Laurel Canyon" by Dave McGowan is a great place to start questioning the underpinnings of the peace, love, hippie movement (which has free love and many proponents of the idea that babies are sexual too and should be treated as sexual beings from infancy). Most of it is on his website for free: https://centerforaninformedamerica.com/laurelcanyon/.

Also, Derrick Broze has a six part article on a current ritual sexual abuse case unfolding in Arizona. Part 1 is here: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/utah-county-sheriffs-office-sets-off-debate-with-investigation-into-ritualistic-child-sex-abuse/. It would be nice if it were all a hoax and lies, but it's not.

My son, not my boy, is a man now. And as a former teacher of children ages six months to 8 years for 22 years I can tell you sexual abuse is more common than anyone would like to admit. And few perpetrators are held accountable, family members or otherwise. This why it causes such cognitive dissonance that it could be happening on such a massive scale.

If you haven't watched the documentary on Jimmy Savile, a well-loved British personality, friend of now King Charles and Margaret Thatcher, I recommend it. It scrapes the tip of the iceberg. It's on Netflix. Also, Whitney Webb's new two volume book called One Nation Under Blackmail. The first volume explores the beginnings of the honey pot traps during prohibition, the mob, and the CIA connections and traces it up to Epstein. He's not an anomaly. He was merely the heir to the operation.

Native American reservations, orphanages, foster care, half-way houses, and children's hospitals are all hot beds of exploitation for medical experimentation and sexual abuse. If you haven't seen Aaron and Melissa Dykes (Truthstream Media on yucktube) documentary The Minds of Men, I highly recommend that, as well. It's a great general history of MK Ultra, which is where trauma and child sex abuse really became a 'scientific' means to an end. And I believe why media is full of traumatic sex and violence now... easier to program people.

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Nov 30, 2022·edited Nov 30, 2022Author

The link is to descriptions of literally dozens of examples. Not one.

I think we're talking past each other. No one is attempting to deny your lived experience of what happened to your son, and I don't have an issue with being "ready for it" to understand that pedophilia exists. I really don't need to be educated on the existence of the problem. I spent a very long time in this world.

A problem can exist while false accusations also exist. Rape is real. So are false accusations of rape.

You're welcome to your belief that due process is unnecessary for disturbing crimes that impacted you personally. It isn't mine. But please don't misrepresent my position that I'm denying child sexual assault exists, or that it is impossible for children to make allegations that are untrue.

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I said no to the interviews because I prefer to read. Sorry about Husbandmouth not finding a job. It's incredibly stressful.

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I infinitely prefer reading too; I hate video myself. It was just another form of content I was considering.

What if the interviews were transcripts? Would you find the idea interesting?

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

Just to add my rapidly-deflating two cents, while I like to read, I also like to listen--though I can’t listen to books being read, I CAN listen to people talking...and I love to.

I’m a content-hog, all the way around.

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Guttermouth

Yes, that would be great

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It is not practical to take all individuals as individuals in a society. We cannot allow kids to try to get a driver's license starting the moment they are born, for example. There are likely many 14 year olds that are more mature than many 17 year olds, yet our society has decreed that 17 year olds may get a drivers license while 14 y.o. may not. But the odds say that allowing those younger than 16 to get a license will increase the vehicle death rate, and so society is justified in making a blanket judgment against the driving rights of young people. Ditto for voting.

Not all felons will commit more felonies upon release from prison, but the odds say that they will. So their rights are severely curtailed, and punishments for later crimes are increased.

In other words, increased odds of a member of a group causing harm to society justifies society restricting the rights of innocent individuals within that group to protect society.

Homosexual men have a far greater chance of being a pedo than a straight male (women generally aren't pedos to a significant degree.) Therefore society has every right to make a blanket judgment against gay men in order to protect children.

"Previous investigations have indicated that the ratio of sex offenders against female children vs. offenders against male children is approximately 2:1, while the ratio of gynephiles to androphiles among the general population is approximately 20:1."


So there are about 2x as many straight pedos as gay pedos, but gay men make up about 2-5% of the male population...

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A male pedophile that is attracted to male children is not the same thing as a man that is attracted to serially mature men.

Saying that male androphilic offenders are the same population as gay men is a misrepresentation of categories. It would make sense if the people you're talking about were ALSO sexually attracted to adults, but that's much less rarely the case with androphilic male offenders.

The opening premise also has some pretty significant problems for the way criminal justice works in our society.

By your logic, since males overwhelmingly commit the majority of violent crime and serial assaults, we should preemptively curtail their rights to protect women.

Your words: "increased odds of a member of a group causing harm to society justifies society restricting the rights of innocent individuals within that group to protect society."

You're a male and therefore a natural born violent offender. Would you consider accepting preemptive chemical castration and/or a dusk curfew to protect women?

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While we're at it, should we further restrict the rights, preemptively, of members of racial groups statistically more likely to commit crimes? No gun permits for blacks or Latinos? Darkies off the streets before dark?

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Do you honestly want to compare how safe the cities are now with how they were during Jim Crow? For those races as well, not just Whites.

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No, I want direct answers to my questions. They are not rhetorical. Answer them directly, not with questions of your own.

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I don't think they should be allowed in our society.

A direct question for you:

How do you feel about the discrimination practiced against gays by blood donation organizations? Just because the CDC says that the 2-4% of gay men constitute ~66% of new AIDS cases is no reason not to accept their blood, right?


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You don't think what should be allowed in our society? Nonwhites?

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Considering how easy it is to test donor blood- I'm a regular donor and have volunteered in the past- and how blood banks are constantly whining about shortages- no, it is no reason. Especially when non-whole blood donations wouldn't carry any risk of viral contamination regardless.

All blood is tested for HIV regardless of where it comes from- as, probabilities notwithstanding, anyone could potentially be donating HIV+ blood- so it never made much sense.

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It's about the good of society, not some abstract standard that must be universalized because otherwise some person's autism will be offended. Making reproduction impossible is hardly for the good of that society.

We have been curtailing men's rights in order to protect women for a few thousand years now. It was likely part of what was needed to allow for cities to come into existence, else it would be rape gangs going after strangers' women, leading to violent reprisals. The story of Soddom and Gomorrah references such behavior.

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I fail to see how equality under the law equates to placating autism. Or are you saying that those who don't see that society should be run the way you believe it should are mentally ill by default?

How exactly have men's rights been "curtailed" in ways that women's have not? And if so, why do men still constitute the greater balance of violent offenders? By your argument, we should recognize that they are natural born criminals- again, "increased odds of a member of a group causing harm to society justifies society restricting the rights of innocent individuals within that group to protect society."

There is no evidence that Sodom and Gomorrah are anything but legendary accounts in a Biblical story or ever existed.

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I'm saying that thinking a law has to apply the same in every single situation is foolish to the point of being a mental illness. "Zero tolerance" has been shown to be a ridiculous ideal leading to ridiculous injustice, as but one example.

"Equality under the law" doesn't mean what you think it means. 3 year olds cannot get drivers licenses. Gay men cannot donate blood. Felons cannot own firearms. Quadriplegics cannot become warehouse workers.

Limiting individuals in some way solely because they are part of a group that is statistically different from that society's norms is not some new thing, it is how the law has already worked. The only question is which exceptions are made and why. Why do you want to make the same exceptions as Leftists, rather than the exceptions that throughout our history have been shown to lead to a better society for us?


It's not that men's rights were curtailed and women's weren't, it's that laws were created to curtail male behavior that rarely applied to women. Rape used to be punishable by death; not many women got the death penalty for that. Often it wasn't necessarily that the law punished a man violating a woman, but the law allowed for that woman's male relatives to administer justice as they saw fit. Which lead to the practical result of greater protection of women by men, as intended. IIRC, the islamic veil tradition is rooted in that somehow. Until relatively recently, something like 1% of each male generation were executed for crimes, with almost no women being so executed even when they (rarely) committed an equally egregious crime.

The point is laws are created to bring about a certain result, not to create some word formula that must hold true in all cases for no purpose other than to hold true in all cases.


Myths get retold in ways that make sense to the people doing the telling. A story about rape gangs roaming the streets looking for victims would only make sense to a people who had rape gangs roaming the streets looking for victims. It was written down ~2300 years ago, so its form was frozen, therefore later retellings couldn't edit it to the current paradigm. Instead people just ignore the weird stuff and focus on what they think it should say. S&G is actually about the importance of hospitality in desert regions, and has little to do with homosexuality, according to most experts I've read.

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