Saying it again, be mindful of your knee. You wouldn't believe how steep the drop in ability to heal is when you pass 45-50. You go from Wolverine healing factor to Haemo the Amazing Bleeding Boy over night. (Why yes, I never stopped reading comics, why should I?)
Speaing of, harvesting what cucumbers we got was an exercise in dick jokes, as it should be. "Who cut off the Hulk's penis and left it here?", "Is this a cucumber or an amputated horse cock going green?" - "Well, going green is supposedly The Good Thing?", and so on. If that seems coarse, you should of heard the wife and her woman friends when they were milking cows on a fäbod* this summer. The jokes, the seagull/magpie-like laughter. Enough to peel paint, and making the big burly men (the alleged oppressors) head for the hills until things quiet down.
About passing gas, does this seem more or less credible:
That the danish, german, swedish, and US naval units who has been moving about Östersjön, espcially the very shallow and tight area south of Scania and east of Denmark where Bornholm sits (where the pipes were blown) would miss russian underwater activity? Implying that either the aforementioned naval units are too incompetent to catch a sub sneaking about at 70 meters depth, or that the russian has stealth UUVs or subs?
Or: that units from the USS Kearsarge planted charges during Baltops in June, since they were maneuvering there anyway?
Talked to my brother the hydrogeologist about this yesterday, and since seismological units in both Sweden and Denmark registered a blast the equivalent of 2.7 Richter at the epicentre, well, I think we can rule out anything but trained professionals, since such a blast may mean about 200 pounds of high explosive or more. The steel pip is more than an inch thick and the concrete on its outside is more than three inches thick. Not something you blast through with 10 pounds of black powder as I've seen suggested.
Speaking of Oden, a different interpretation of the ravens is that they are his will/thought (Håg/Hugin) and mind/memory (Minne/Munin) sent out to see what is to be seen. Easy to imagine his fear that they wouldn't return. But he is ever the sly one. When he and his brothers made Ask and Embla, the first humans, each infused them with a gift, though the proportions differed since they all blew on the pieces of wood together. That's why some men and women live longer or shorter, are more mindful or wilful, and more or less wise.
And Oden being clever blew life into them, meaning that as long as mankind lives, his life is in no danger as it is embodied by us.
Edit: *fäbod; summer pasture with simple accomodations. Also, spelign is hrad.
To your point, yes, it is absolutely impossible given the proximity of US Navy fleets, including a cruiser with satellite support, not to have detected the approach of foreign drones as we probably have our own down there already.
It stinks like the millions of now-dead fish floating on the surface above the pipeline breach.
Your interpretation of the ravens is actually the one that I was alluding to- that they are personifications of parts of himself. The translations are tricky- Munin is always translated into English as "memory" but it doesn't line up with the normal use of memory in Old Norse and is often used in later stuff as synonymous with Hugin for "thought," but clearly isn't: Odinn clearly states in the poem that he is "more worried" about Munin not returning.
The separation and personification of parts of the psyche mean both interpretations can blend. Seidr (of which Odinn is undoubtedly the first) is all about sending out manifestations of yourself to do your will, and you're in big trouble if they are destroyed while away from you.
Your brother is correct, the quake is now public knowledge. For the equipment needed, the most likely deed was probably done by a remote or autonomous drone (which, again- US vessels already in the area) loaded with the explosives. Very much like the ones that UK debuted recently, doing their missions in reverse.
I think of Munin as probably meaning sentience, consciousness, wakefulness, which is probably why he would be the greater loss (really our "self"). But then we get into hugr, which complicates it even more!
And to your last statement about Odinn cleverly embodying himself in mankind, that's what I think the deeper cosmology (regrettably so much lost and destroyed compared to so many other cultures, we spend most of our time almost blindly guessing!) was getting at: there is a kind of metamind that the "magicians" (interpret that how you will) understood at one time.
It is an interesting and not entirely silly or frivolous thought exercise to consider whether Ragnarok is past or future, and what the implications are for the theology of the people at the time and what we can take from it now.
I'd like to think that Ragnarök is future, the Doom inevitably closing any cycle. As in the present civilisation being built with and on the bones of the former. From bone to flint to copper to bronze to iron to steel to plastic to carbon nanofibres to who knows what.
The main clue/reason for my feeling is the abundance of art in all the (proto)germanic cultures displaying cyclical never-ending never-beginning patterns. The circles within circles, rings within rings, looping and interlocking and always returning, always on-going.
A stark contrast to the linear thought-pattern displayed in all Abrahamic faiths, and much more in tune and in synch with nature and reality, making us humans a natural part of it All, rather than some kind of appointed Masters of "god the god's" garden. Old, really old, swedish proverb, probably pre-christian: "Inför döden är vi alla lik".
Also a pun, since "lik" kan mean both similar, the same, equal, and corpse; "Before death all are equal". This is evidenced in the stanzas saying "Cattle dies and friends die and you too will die, but one thing I know that never dies: Doom over dead mens memory". (Translating from memory off the cuff here, Doom is used here in the sense of passing judgement, and memory in the sense of reputation - it's clearer in any nordic tongue since our words, "Dom" and "Minne" can mean both judgement, verdict and doom and memory, memento, post-mortem reputation et c respectively.
Speaking of the sejdkarl and nåjd of old ("magicians") it seems the focus was not only on naming but on imaging: make the image/effigy, call the name, present the blot/prize offered, interpret the signs, and make the call to/for the one seeking to strike a bargain - again a difference compared to Abrahamic faiths: there's zero sense of humans being subjects or suplicants before the gods or the väsen (spirits, sort of).
I base this on what was written about the nåjd (sami shamans) over several centuries: they were intermediaries between human and väsen/gods, and the sami happily added various divine names to their own pantheon over the centuris, causing no end of consternation for the prisests whn they added Jesus side by side with Tor, Horagalles, and many others on their drums. Sadly, none of those texts have been translated to english to my knowledge, they haven't even been updated to modern swedish spelling and grammar, so I can't direct you to any good material.
Here in Southern MD, the wife and I own 3 German cars from the same manufacturer. Looking around, we certainly are not alone in German car ownership (granted not a lot of people own 3 cars of any single brand). We've only owned this particular brand for the past 15 years,. The last one (a small wagon), I purchased about 6 months BC -- Before Covid (hoax).
Now we had been planning on jumping ship to a different German brand. That's because the brand that we own are a bunch of uber-nauseating virtue signaling cunts (to be nice about it) and the other prospective brand is less of that and still German (albeit more expensive).
Plan aborted entirely on all fronts.
About a week ago, on the small wagon that I bought most recently, the wife and I on the freeway to Frederick experience what people call "spontaneous exploding sunroof" (no really, it's a real thing).
Well guess what? Something as simple as a piece of glass **from Germany** is "on indefinite nationwide backorder" to quote the repair shop and the manufacturer itself. And there's no aftermarket, second sources... of glass!!! A stupid window.
As soon as that car gets repaired, it's getting auctioned. No joke. Immediately. I've already picked out the replacement and it's not European. It also happens to have a gasoline engine (go ahead, find the fainting couch and clutch the pearls... that's how I roll) and nice size one too!
If I'm lucky that'll happen by Thanksgiving -- that'd be something to be thankful about! Worse case by Christmas. Lastly, to anyone owning a German car out there, you REALLY need to think through the risk involved. Even the most prolific (and expensive) is undoubtedly going to have MAJOR supply issues very soon over this shit. It's coming.
This is a broader issue I've been thinking about for a long time when I make durable purchases, cars included: am I going to have access to parts 10 years out (or even 2 years out)?
For most European imports, this wasn't a grave concern. Until now.
We're moving to the Genesis line, the fancy Hyundai. It actually came down to a choice between the Toyota Venza (hybrid) vs the GV-70 (3.5T) and, with my wife's encouragement, I have decided on the latter. I'm a wagon guy and hate most SUVs (just personal choice, but plenty are decent vehicles), so Venza and GV-70 are wagon-ish enough.
My wife is likely to get a Genesis sedan of some sort but we're handling one at a time and still looking for a sedan for her.
My 3rd German car is an '02 wagon and used as a spare/backup and to schlep grime at this point. That will likely not be getting replaced and will be headed to the junk yard when it is no longer serviceable.
Oh and to be fair, a nice Toyota or Lexus sedan is entirely within our possibilities for the wife. The other thing is the EV issue. If everything becomes hybrid (at best) or EV (at worst) then there's zero chance we'd be interested in a German/European car even without supply issues or the pending suicide of German industry.
And apologies to American car fans (honestly I dig a Charger, or what they used to be), they have also jumped on the climate change virtue signaling bandwagon to the point of insult (IMO). They're not exactly known for reliability in the first place and now the engines are going away.
So something Japanese or Korean really sounds like a smart move given where things stand and especially where things are heading. TBH, the Japanese absolutely have a better reputation for reliability and longevity but we like the Hyundai/Genesis style very much.
Also, sucks about your knee and not having quality time with Husbandmouth. I drove a truck for seven years, up at 4:30 am with 5:30 starts, moving close to 10,000 lbs of water every day while having two kids under 5, and the toll on both my wife and myself was incredibly hard. I feel you, Guttermouth.
this guy is the smartest teacher ive ever seen when it comes to how the body works and hes dissected more knees than ive had hot dinners so he knows what hes talking about, worth a watch:
I just read that Fordham University is requiring the bivalent booster by November 1st. I can't believe that people are still participating in their own demise, but hey, it's New York.
I'm probably at least a decade older than you, but I have acquired a lovely frozen shoulder by...sleeping on it. So, that's an embarrassing injury, and it's extremely limiting and quite painful, but I swear that this is not how I'm going to feel for the rest of my life and I'm faithfully doing my old lady PT. I hope your knee heals up 100% for you.
To your knee: be heartened. Trust me on this. Why?
Six years ago I had a silly B-movie bad comedy event in my own bathroom where I ended up spraining my ankle, fracturing five bones in my foot and carving a Harry Potter's ma type gash in my forehead.
Between the dinosaur boot and hopping around using a walker for a week or so, giving me a gimpy gait, the uninjured leg ended up in worse shape. Really bad inflammation of the tendons etc. and when I was first able to attempt to walk down stairs, I thought I'd been crippled for life. Within a few months though I was spry enough again to wear a backpack and drag a wheelie bag through airports and up and down stairs.
And from conversations elsewhere on Substack today I gather I've got at east 25 years on ya.
So what you feel like now--never no mind. You sound fit and lively enough to regenerate just fine.
What worked for me--and you've got to go by your own physiology and any special considerations--but aspirin for pain/inflammation (not Tylenol etc.); Vitamin C for inflammation and rebuilding collagen (I took at least 12,000 mg/day); ginger tea for all of the above.
Ginger tea cured my awful knee pain and stiffness more than 15 yrs. ago; I can sit cross-legged for good stretches of time and no problems.
Be careful of anti-coagulent effects of above regimen.
Also note that Vitamin C can give you diarrhea/stomach pain if you haven't built up the tolerance. I take capsules rather than tablets but no fancy formulation. You might want to get the 500mg. capsules and build up slowly.
Good luck with your knee. Take it easy on it, and you'll be back in fighting fit in no time. My dad kept up armored combat into his mid 60's despite knees worn down by years of running. They did eventually take him out of it, however, and after getting surgery on the one he found that his other got a lot better since he was no longer favoring the bad leg. Long story short, it is worth babying the things for a bit to avoid more problems :)
That seems to be the consensus, and I'm becoming more optimistic. There is a practical floor on how much I can take it easy on a farm, but I'm doing so.
Thankfully, I don't run and I'm mindful of the kind of stuff that is high impact.
I heard a story about a body worker in the New Haven CT who had phenomenal ability to help with sprain type injuries in the legs. She was some kind of expert from (I think) a Shaolin background. Apparently they get lots of gnarly injuries from their training and have evolved some special fixit techniques. The person I talked to was a gym rat who had gotten a painful sprain (knee or ankle I don’t remember) and was almost instantly fixed during one treatment.
Speaking of Shaolin, they are known for a palliative liniment for joint/sprain/bruise issues. Goes by the name Tieh Ta Yao (gin) or Dit Da Jow. I think the only difference in the name is dialect. I have used Tieh Ta Yao extensively (as I was in martial arts for many years when I was young) and even recently.
With Dit Da Jow it appears as though the available formulations are more diverse. Just an observation but I've yet tried any of those specifically. They are on my list. Not so much for martial arts injuries anymore but because I've developed some arthritis that seems to do well with Tieh Ta Yao and I want to try different products.
Full disclosure: my wife is a DACM (Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine) and has a practice that includes herbs, etc. However, she does not carry or sell either of the products that I have described -- though she can get them.
Just FYI, in case anyone is interested. There's plenty available on the internet (not shilling for my wife).
Sounds good. In my earlier response, the woman in question seemed to be very good sorting out problems that were in ligaments or cartiledge kinds of tissue.
Pain is, I think, a very mysterious thing in it’s manifestation. One time I was feeling strong and tried to lift a heavy trailer tongue into position. It was a 49-51 contest that I lost, but not before putting a lot of strain on my lower back. That was in the morning. That afternoon I was shoveling dirt and my back was feeling sore. I could relieve it by bending a little more foreword as I shoveled. After about an hour I was bent way over and I thought I better quit for the day. I went home and thought I could sleep it off. When I woke up the next morning however, my lower back was so painful I couldn’t move without a lot of pain. When I had to pee I had to agonizingly shift to laying on my stomach and slipping a cup under me. I had always thought, before this happened, that people who complained about back pain were exaggerating. Now I was stuck on the floor and shocked that my condition had not only not cleared up overnight, it was worse! I called a guy nearby who was a chiropractor. He was quitting in disgust because insurance companies were interfering with his treatment plans, but he agreed to come over. I waited all day and he didn’t show up. The next day I was not any better. Fortunately he showed up. The soreness was on only one side of the spine, which was a good sign that I only had torn ligaments and not a disc problem. He took out a couple of little rubber hammers and tapped my back in certain places for a moment and told me I could stand up. Very cautiously I did, without pain. Then the pain came back and I had to get all the way down to the floor with the stabbing pain. But he said it was OK, just rest it one more day. The next day I crawled into the bathroom cautiously, fearing that the pain would come back suddenly. I turned on the water in the shower and slowly crawled in and slowly stood up, but there was no pain at all. I was fixed! So there is something to say for magical physical manipulation techniques.
One more story…three years ago We went to Burning Man and there was a guy in our camp who had a bodywork technique in which he would work on a painful area and use tape to retard motion of muscles in that area that you had to leave on afterwards for at least a day. Apparently this caused a disruption in the usual way the nerves worked in that area which interrupted the “pain ruts” (my term) that were somehow traumatically trapped in the neurological patterns involved with the movements of those tissues that made it possible for the tissue to “forget “ or “overwrite” that it had pain and voila! You were fixed. I did not take a treatment myself but others reported dramatic fixes from his work. This particular guy was based on an island in Vancouver B.C. as I remember and roamed around in a VW camper.
I also get chiropractic work from a local doctor that uses a "percussion hammer". It has some sort of variable spring/snap action. IMO, that is far superior to the old school chiropractic techniques where they used "manual manipulation". I had plenty of that when I was young as well and often was not sure if I left better than I went in!
With the percussion hammer technique it's very gentle and I'd say precise. Snap here, snap there. Never leaves my head ringing or neck aching or anything like that. I think that it has helped increase the quality of my life. That's in conjunction with acupuncture and herbs, etc.
My granduncle was one of the fort or maybe the first chiropractors in SF. He had a good job with the railroad but a nagging back problem that was solved by an encounter with an early chiropractor from the original Palmer School. He was so impressed he quit his job and went back and took the (at that time) two year course to become a chiropractor. When he graduated he came back to SF and began practicing on the railroad execs and developed a prosperous practice. When I was a kid once in a while we would go and get an “adjustment.” I was always very impressed by him, he had a human neck skeleton on his desk. He had evolved an approach to chiropractic in which he found it only necessary to adjust the neck, particularly the atlas vertibra and the bones of the skull. I guess this is now called “cranial sacral” but this was back in the 50s. I remember, as a little tyke during a visit he looked into my face and said very emphatically, “NO PILLS!” I think that set my course towards a fundamental distrust and avoidance of the allopathic approach to medicine, which has served me very well. I think “Leave the body alone” is a good basic principle.” I did get some chiropractic work after a cr accident about 15 years ago which helped heal my back. I got used to the terrors of getting “cracked.” But when the insurance money ran out I just quit the whole deal. I noticed that the more I got my back cracked, the more I seemed to “need “ it and I suspected the chiropractor was feeding the process and intending to use me as a meal ticket. So I got a wooden Ma Roller and cracked my own back when I felt I needed it, which became more and more rare until I just left the whole deal behind after a year or so.
Wow! Your granduncle was way ahead of his time! The lady that I see (about once a month), that uses the percussion hammer technique, also has an atlas machine. I've rarely had the atlas adjustment -- probably only 3 or 4 times over the course of several years. I never really noticed any change after an atlas adjustment to be honest. That is also a very gentle "click".
I've heard of "cranial sacral" but I don't really know much about it. That's more of my wife's set of knowledge. I'm just a simple country software engineer.
Yeah, "leave the body alone" is good advice especially in the context of allopathic medicine. I have to say though, that I really think that my quality of life has been significantly improved by acupuncture and herbs. Here at 57 years, I rarely get sick and when I do (even the dreaded covid), it's no big deal.
Outside of my ear doctor, I haven't seen a western medicine doctor for anything in many years and plan to stay away as long as I possibly can. This ongoing episode of "public health" hysteria has just solidified my position on that.
Yeah, diet and exercise go a long way. My SO just successfully brought her blood pressure back down into comfortable normal range using Natto, which we call “Slimabeans.” You cook soybeans and innoculate them and let them get this viscous grey slime on them for a couple of days in a warm moist pot. Apparently the slime is full of an enzyme called Natto kinase and vitamin K2 that does wonders for the insides of the blood vessels. Apparently discovered by some very hungry Samurai way back when. You can mix it up with rice to overcome the uneasy sense that you are eating something you scraped off a banana slug. Anyway, it fixed high blood pressure in about 4 months. Meanwhile her little brother has been taking some drug or other for months with zero positive effect on his blood pressure problem. But he is the kind of guy you can’t tell anything that doesn’t align with Rachel Maddow’s Wisdom. He’s jabbed, of course, and his symptoms of vaccine injury are starting to appear too, unfortunately.
A guy named Mike H. commented on another Substack that maybe the pipeline wasn't destroyed at all, but made to look and SOUND that way (most of the Twitter announcements reference the audible "explosions"--two, to be exact. Making sure people feel the actual destruction, i.e. set it in stone that it really happened (ala 9/11).
He said, "I'm seriously wondering if they truly destroyed it. If my theory that Europe, Putin, and the U.S. are secretly working together to further Agenda 2030 is correct, then they could pretend they destroyed it and achieve the same outcome. They could turn off the pipeline, create the hardship energy shortage, point fingers at each other, and they all win. In so doing they could turn the pipeline back on in the future without having to repair it.
If they pretend to destroy it they can turn it back on at their leisure if they want to. Everybody secretly wins."
It's the usual pointing fingers, no one taking credit confusion. Why would globalists orchestrating a phony war actually destroy a valuable pipeline which will be needed in the future. Russia hasn’t said a word. To say it was destroyed, however, takes any issue of sanctions and future possibilities of restoring energy off the table. Why? Because there is one sole agenda afoot here: to starve the EU of energy which will be the tipping point for actual starvation. Nothing can get in the way of that goal. Can't use gas from a pipeline that doesn't work and can't be fixed, which we somehow knew immediately after it exploded.
Yes, the WEF took Putin off its website, but three weeks before Russia put troops on Ukraine`s border, they joined the WEF`s Fourth Industrial Revolution Network. Are we to believe they are simultaneously allies with, and enemies of, the West?
The US involvement in the destruction of Nord Stream only confirms this line of thought, i.e. we aren't at war with Putin --he and the current US leaders are partners in this 2030 Agenda and the rest is all theatre to make it look like others are to blame, to wit, the ones fighting this re-set agenda. There is imminent economic collapse in the EU too, which a war is designed to hide. Too many nuts with too much secret power.
It's hard to explore different theories because they are just theories--with no real answers, just more theories.
However, as to the seismic activity, no one is saying there wasn't a blast-- two to be exact. If you are going to fake blowing up an $11 billion dollar pipeline, you'd better make it look good--and what better evidence that it "happened" than seismic activity and sound heard from the depths of the explosion in the middle of the sea.
I'm not sure if anything is rising to surface of the Baltic, but those could easily be optics as well.
I'm not married to the theory, but have some questions too: Why isn't Russia screaming mad? Why isn't the US admitting or denying what Poland is outwardly congratulating it for? Why would the US destroy a part-German owned asset, or even a Russian asset that Germans rely on for survival. None of it makes sense.
What we DO seem to know (I have to say "seem" now for everything), is that Putin was a WEF member, Russia has joined the "Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution" via the WEF and all supposedly, all the EU had to do was to lift sanctions to get their heat turned back on. Which they just wouldn't do. Hundreds, maybe thousands will surely die this Winter now. The leaders in those countries know exactly what they are doing.
I am not married to any theory-ever. But this whole thing starting with Ukraine just fell into lockstep policy throughout the EU/with NATO, sanctions and utter devastation to the entire region by all of a sudden having NO energy source (the EU had to work hard to cancel all other possible sources while this was happening).
Maybe it was blown up, maybe it wasn't. In the end, the result was exactly what was intended.
Saying it again, be mindful of your knee. You wouldn't believe how steep the drop in ability to heal is when you pass 45-50. You go from Wolverine healing factor to Haemo the Amazing Bleeding Boy over night. (Why yes, I never stopped reading comics, why should I?)
Speaing of, harvesting what cucumbers we got was an exercise in dick jokes, as it should be. "Who cut off the Hulk's penis and left it here?", "Is this a cucumber or an amputated horse cock going green?" - "Well, going green is supposedly The Good Thing?", and so on. If that seems coarse, you should of heard the wife and her woman friends when they were milking cows on a fäbod* this summer. The jokes, the seagull/magpie-like laughter. Enough to peel paint, and making the big burly men (the alleged oppressors) head for the hills until things quiet down.
About passing gas, does this seem more or less credible:
That the danish, german, swedish, and US naval units who has been moving about Östersjön, espcially the very shallow and tight area south of Scania and east of Denmark where Bornholm sits (where the pipes were blown) would miss russian underwater activity? Implying that either the aforementioned naval units are too incompetent to catch a sub sneaking about at 70 meters depth, or that the russian has stealth UUVs or subs?
Or: that units from the USS Kearsarge planted charges during Baltops in June, since they were maneuvering there anyway?
Talked to my brother the hydrogeologist about this yesterday, and since seismological units in both Sweden and Denmark registered a blast the equivalent of 2.7 Richter at the epicentre, well, I think we can rule out anything but trained professionals, since such a blast may mean about 200 pounds of high explosive or more. The steel pip is more than an inch thick and the concrete on its outside is more than three inches thick. Not something you blast through with 10 pounds of black powder as I've seen suggested.
Speaking of Oden, a different interpretation of the ravens is that they are his will/thought (Håg/Hugin) and mind/memory (Minne/Munin) sent out to see what is to be seen. Easy to imagine his fear that they wouldn't return. But he is ever the sly one. When he and his brothers made Ask and Embla, the first humans, each infused them with a gift, though the proportions differed since they all blew on the pieces of wood together. That's why some men and women live longer or shorter, are more mindful or wilful, and more or less wise.
And Oden being clever blew life into them, meaning that as long as mankind lives, his life is in no danger as it is embodied by us.
Edit: *fäbod; summer pasture with simple accomodations. Also, spelign is hrad.
To your point, yes, it is absolutely impossible given the proximity of US Navy fleets, including a cruiser with satellite support, not to have detected the approach of foreign drones as we probably have our own down there already.
It stinks like the millions of now-dead fish floating on the surface above the pipeline breach.
Your interpretation of the ravens is actually the one that I was alluding to- that they are personifications of parts of himself. The translations are tricky- Munin is always translated into English as "memory" but it doesn't line up with the normal use of memory in Old Norse and is often used in later stuff as synonymous with Hugin for "thought," but clearly isn't: Odinn clearly states in the poem that he is "more worried" about Munin not returning.
The separation and personification of parts of the psyche mean both interpretations can blend. Seidr (of which Odinn is undoubtedly the first) is all about sending out manifestations of yourself to do your will, and you're in big trouble if they are destroyed while away from you.
Your brother is correct, the quake is now public knowledge. For the equipment needed, the most likely deed was probably done by a remote or autonomous drone (which, again- US vessels already in the area) loaded with the explosives. Very much like the ones that UK debuted recently, doing their missions in reverse.
I think of Munin as probably meaning sentience, consciousness, wakefulness, which is probably why he would be the greater loss (really our "self"). But then we get into hugr, which complicates it even more!
And to your last statement about Odinn cleverly embodying himself in mankind, that's what I think the deeper cosmology (regrettably so much lost and destroyed compared to so many other cultures, we spend most of our time almost blindly guessing!) was getting at: there is a kind of metamind that the "magicians" (interpret that how you will) understood at one time.
It is an interesting and not entirely silly or frivolous thought exercise to consider whether Ragnarok is past or future, and what the implications are for the theology of the people at the time and what we can take from it now.
I'd like to think that Ragnarök is future, the Doom inevitably closing any cycle. As in the present civilisation being built with and on the bones of the former. From bone to flint to copper to bronze to iron to steel to plastic to carbon nanofibres to who knows what.
The main clue/reason for my feeling is the abundance of art in all the (proto)germanic cultures displaying cyclical never-ending never-beginning patterns. The circles within circles, rings within rings, looping and interlocking and always returning, always on-going.
A stark contrast to the linear thought-pattern displayed in all Abrahamic faiths, and much more in tune and in synch with nature and reality, making us humans a natural part of it All, rather than some kind of appointed Masters of "god the god's" garden. Old, really old, swedish proverb, probably pre-christian: "Inför döden är vi alla lik".
Also a pun, since "lik" kan mean both similar, the same, equal, and corpse; "Before death all are equal". This is evidenced in the stanzas saying "Cattle dies and friends die and you too will die, but one thing I know that never dies: Doom over dead mens memory". (Translating from memory off the cuff here, Doom is used here in the sense of passing judgement, and memory in the sense of reputation - it's clearer in any nordic tongue since our words, "Dom" and "Minne" can mean both judgement, verdict and doom and memory, memento, post-mortem reputation et c respectively.
Speaking of the sejdkarl and nåjd of old ("magicians") it seems the focus was not only on naming but on imaging: make the image/effigy, call the name, present the blot/prize offered, interpret the signs, and make the call to/for the one seeking to strike a bargain - again a difference compared to Abrahamic faiths: there's zero sense of humans being subjects or suplicants before the gods or the väsen (spirits, sort of).
I base this on what was written about the nåjd (sami shamans) over several centuries: they were intermediaries between human and väsen/gods, and the sami happily added various divine names to their own pantheon over the centuris, causing no end of consternation for the prisests whn they added Jesus side by side with Tor, Horagalles, and many others on their drums. Sadly, none of those texts have been translated to english to my knowledge, they haven't even been updated to modern swedish spelling and grammar, so I can't direct you to any good material.
Thank you, great round up, However, watch Taiwan.
I am already watching Taiwan. Through fingers covering my eyes, praying China doesn't make a move before 2024.
Here in Southern MD, the wife and I own 3 German cars from the same manufacturer. Looking around, we certainly are not alone in German car ownership (granted not a lot of people own 3 cars of any single brand). We've only owned this particular brand for the past 15 years,. The last one (a small wagon), I purchased about 6 months BC -- Before Covid (hoax).
Now we had been planning on jumping ship to a different German brand. That's because the brand that we own are a bunch of uber-nauseating virtue signaling cunts (to be nice about it) and the other prospective brand is less of that and still German (albeit more expensive).
Plan aborted entirely on all fronts.
About a week ago, on the small wagon that I bought most recently, the wife and I on the freeway to Frederick experience what people call "spontaneous exploding sunroof" (no really, it's a real thing).
Well guess what? Something as simple as a piece of glass **from Germany** is "on indefinite nationwide backorder" to quote the repair shop and the manufacturer itself. And there's no aftermarket, second sources... of glass!!! A stupid window.
As soon as that car gets repaired, it's getting auctioned. No joke. Immediately. I've already picked out the replacement and it's not European. It also happens to have a gasoline engine (go ahead, find the fainting couch and clutch the pearls... that's how I roll) and nice size one too!
If I'm lucky that'll happen by Thanksgiving -- that'd be something to be thankful about! Worse case by Christmas. Lastly, to anyone owning a German car out there, you REALLY need to think through the risk involved. Even the most prolific (and expensive) is undoubtedly going to have MAJOR supply issues very soon over this shit. It's coming.
I'm curious what your chosen replacement is.
This is a broader issue I've been thinking about for a long time when I make durable purchases, cars included: am I going to have access to parts 10 years out (or even 2 years out)?
For most European imports, this wasn't a grave concern. Until now.
We're moving to the Genesis line, the fancy Hyundai. It actually came down to a choice between the Toyota Venza (hybrid) vs the GV-70 (3.5T) and, with my wife's encouragement, I have decided on the latter. I'm a wagon guy and hate most SUVs (just personal choice, but plenty are decent vehicles), so Venza and GV-70 are wagon-ish enough.
My wife is likely to get a Genesis sedan of some sort but we're handling one at a time and still looking for a sedan for her.
My 3rd German car is an '02 wagon and used as a spare/backup and to schlep grime at this point. That will likely not be getting replaced and will be headed to the junk yard when it is no longer serviceable.
Hyundai still has a good number of domestic production at their huge Alabama plant that isn't likely to close soon, so you should stay in good supply.
Oh and to be fair, a nice Toyota or Lexus sedan is entirely within our possibilities for the wife. The other thing is the EV issue. If everything becomes hybrid (at best) or EV (at worst) then there's zero chance we'd be interested in a German/European car even without supply issues or the pending suicide of German industry.
And apologies to American car fans (honestly I dig a Charger, or what they used to be), they have also jumped on the climate change virtue signaling bandwagon to the point of insult (IMO). They're not exactly known for reliability in the first place and now the engines are going away.
So something Japanese or Korean really sounds like a smart move given where things stand and especially where things are heading. TBH, the Japanese absolutely have a better reputation for reliability and longevity but we like the Hyundai/Genesis style very much.
Nice subtle nod to the Beastie Boys...
Also, sucks about your knee and not having quality time with Husbandmouth. I drove a truck for seven years, up at 4:30 am with 5:30 starts, moving close to 10,000 lbs of water every day while having two kids under 5, and the toll on both my wife and myself was incredibly hard. I feel you, Guttermouth.
What I may just do is follow his schedule for a while, since I can be pretty flexible about my work hours.
this guy is the smartest teacher ive ever seen when it comes to how the body works and hes dissected more knees than ive had hot dinners so he knows what hes talking about, worth a watch:
there are other vids on his site about knees, i just picked the first. he smashed his knees up in a car crash years a go so talks a lot about them
I just read that Fordham University is requiring the bivalent booster by November 1st. I can't believe that people are still participating in their own demise, but hey, it's New York.
I'm probably at least a decade older than you, but I have acquired a lovely frozen shoulder by...sleeping on it. So, that's an embarrassing injury, and it's extremely limiting and quite painful, but I swear that this is not how I'm going to feel for the rest of my life and I'm faithfully doing my old lady PT. I hope your knee heals up 100% for you.
I thought this was a good round-up.
To your knee: be heartened. Trust me on this. Why?
Six years ago I had a silly B-movie bad comedy event in my own bathroom where I ended up spraining my ankle, fracturing five bones in my foot and carving a Harry Potter's ma type gash in my forehead.
Between the dinosaur boot and hopping around using a walker for a week or so, giving me a gimpy gait, the uninjured leg ended up in worse shape. Really bad inflammation of the tendons etc. and when I was first able to attempt to walk down stairs, I thought I'd been crippled for life. Within a few months though I was spry enough again to wear a backpack and drag a wheelie bag through airports and up and down stairs.
And from conversations elsewhere on Substack today I gather I've got at east 25 years on ya.
So what you feel like now--never no mind. You sound fit and lively enough to regenerate just fine.
Thank you. That the original ortho wasn't incredibly strict with me about using the leg tells me it is likely recoverable.
Your story is very heartening. I am not fully me if I cannot run, dance, and fight.
What worked for me--and you've got to go by your own physiology and any special considerations--but aspirin for pain/inflammation (not Tylenol etc.); Vitamin C for inflammation and rebuilding collagen (I took at least 12,000 mg/day); ginger tea for all of the above.
Ginger tea cured my awful knee pain and stiffness more than 15 yrs. ago; I can sit cross-legged for good stretches of time and no problems.
Be careful of anti-coagulent effects of above regimen.
I've still got about a week and a half of the prescribed steroids and was told to steer clear of everything else but aspirin.
I'll start a vitamin C regimen tomorrow.
Also note that Vitamin C can give you diarrhea/stomach pain if you haven't built up the tolerance. I take capsules rather than tablets but no fancy formulation. You might want to get the 500mg. capsules and build up slowly.
Sorry, that is all the info I had, it was at least 10- 12 years ago.
Good luck with your knee. Take it easy on it, and you'll be back in fighting fit in no time. My dad kept up armored combat into his mid 60's despite knees worn down by years of running. They did eventually take him out of it, however, and after getting surgery on the one he found that his other got a lot better since he was no longer favoring the bad leg. Long story short, it is worth babying the things for a bit to avoid more problems :)
That seems to be the consensus, and I'm becoming more optimistic. There is a practical floor on how much I can take it easy on a farm, but I'm doing so.
Thankfully, I don't run and I'm mindful of the kind of stuff that is high impact.
I heard a story about a body worker in the New Haven CT who had phenomenal ability to help with sprain type injuries in the legs. She was some kind of expert from (I think) a Shaolin background. Apparently they get lots of gnarly injuries from their training and have evolved some special fixit techniques. The person I talked to was a gym rat who had gotten a painful sprain (knee or ankle I don’t remember) and was almost instantly fixed during one treatment.
Wow. Got a name?
Speaking of Shaolin, they are known for a palliative liniment for joint/sprain/bruise issues. Goes by the name Tieh Ta Yao (gin) or Dit Da Jow. I think the only difference in the name is dialect. I have used Tieh Ta Yao extensively (as I was in martial arts for many years when I was young) and even recently.
With Dit Da Jow it appears as though the available formulations are more diverse. Just an observation but I've yet tried any of those specifically. They are on my list. Not so much for martial arts injuries anymore but because I've developed some arthritis that seems to do well with Tieh Ta Yao and I want to try different products.
Full disclosure: my wife is a DACM (Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine) and has a practice that includes herbs, etc. However, she does not carry or sell either of the products that I have described -- though she can get them.
Just FYI, in case anyone is interested. There's plenty available on the internet (not shilling for my wife).
Sounds good. In my earlier response, the woman in question seemed to be very good sorting out problems that were in ligaments or cartiledge kinds of tissue.
Pain is, I think, a very mysterious thing in it’s manifestation. One time I was feeling strong and tried to lift a heavy trailer tongue into position. It was a 49-51 contest that I lost, but not before putting a lot of strain on my lower back. That was in the morning. That afternoon I was shoveling dirt and my back was feeling sore. I could relieve it by bending a little more foreword as I shoveled. After about an hour I was bent way over and I thought I better quit for the day. I went home and thought I could sleep it off. When I woke up the next morning however, my lower back was so painful I couldn’t move without a lot of pain. When I had to pee I had to agonizingly shift to laying on my stomach and slipping a cup under me. I had always thought, before this happened, that people who complained about back pain were exaggerating. Now I was stuck on the floor and shocked that my condition had not only not cleared up overnight, it was worse! I called a guy nearby who was a chiropractor. He was quitting in disgust because insurance companies were interfering with his treatment plans, but he agreed to come over. I waited all day and he didn’t show up. The next day I was not any better. Fortunately he showed up. The soreness was on only one side of the spine, which was a good sign that I only had torn ligaments and not a disc problem. He took out a couple of little rubber hammers and tapped my back in certain places for a moment and told me I could stand up. Very cautiously I did, without pain. Then the pain came back and I had to get all the way down to the floor with the stabbing pain. But he said it was OK, just rest it one more day. The next day I crawled into the bathroom cautiously, fearing that the pain would come back suddenly. I turned on the water in the shower and slowly crawled in and slowly stood up, but there was no pain at all. I was fixed! So there is something to say for magical physical manipulation techniques.
One more story…three years ago We went to Burning Man and there was a guy in our camp who had a bodywork technique in which he would work on a painful area and use tape to retard motion of muscles in that area that you had to leave on afterwards for at least a day. Apparently this caused a disruption in the usual way the nerves worked in that area which interrupted the “pain ruts” (my term) that were somehow traumatically trapped in the neurological patterns involved with the movements of those tissues that made it possible for the tissue to “forget “ or “overwrite” that it had pain and voila! You were fixed. I did not take a treatment myself but others reported dramatic fixes from his work. This particular guy was based on an island in Vancouver B.C. as I remember and roamed around in a VW camper.
I also get chiropractic work from a local doctor that uses a "percussion hammer". It has some sort of variable spring/snap action. IMO, that is far superior to the old school chiropractic techniques where they used "manual manipulation". I had plenty of that when I was young as well and often was not sure if I left better than I went in!
With the percussion hammer technique it's very gentle and I'd say precise. Snap here, snap there. Never leaves my head ringing or neck aching or anything like that. I think that it has helped increase the quality of my life. That's in conjunction with acupuncture and herbs, etc.
My granduncle was one of the fort or maybe the first chiropractors in SF. He had a good job with the railroad but a nagging back problem that was solved by an encounter with an early chiropractor from the original Palmer School. He was so impressed he quit his job and went back and took the (at that time) two year course to become a chiropractor. When he graduated he came back to SF and began practicing on the railroad execs and developed a prosperous practice. When I was a kid once in a while we would go and get an “adjustment.” I was always very impressed by him, he had a human neck skeleton on his desk. He had evolved an approach to chiropractic in which he found it only necessary to adjust the neck, particularly the atlas vertibra and the bones of the skull. I guess this is now called “cranial sacral” but this was back in the 50s. I remember, as a little tyke during a visit he looked into my face and said very emphatically, “NO PILLS!” I think that set my course towards a fundamental distrust and avoidance of the allopathic approach to medicine, which has served me very well. I think “Leave the body alone” is a good basic principle.” I did get some chiropractic work after a cr accident about 15 years ago which helped heal my back. I got used to the terrors of getting “cracked.” But when the insurance money ran out I just quit the whole deal. I noticed that the more I got my back cracked, the more I seemed to “need “ it and I suspected the chiropractor was feeding the process and intending to use me as a meal ticket. So I got a wooden Ma Roller and cracked my own back when I felt I needed it, which became more and more rare until I just left the whole deal behind after a year or so.
Wow! Your granduncle was way ahead of his time! The lady that I see (about once a month), that uses the percussion hammer technique, also has an atlas machine. I've rarely had the atlas adjustment -- probably only 3 or 4 times over the course of several years. I never really noticed any change after an atlas adjustment to be honest. That is also a very gentle "click".
I've heard of "cranial sacral" but I don't really know much about it. That's more of my wife's set of knowledge. I'm just a simple country software engineer.
Yeah, "leave the body alone" is good advice especially in the context of allopathic medicine. I have to say though, that I really think that my quality of life has been significantly improved by acupuncture and herbs. Here at 57 years, I rarely get sick and when I do (even the dreaded covid), it's no big deal.
Outside of my ear doctor, I haven't seen a western medicine doctor for anything in many years and plan to stay away as long as I possibly can. This ongoing episode of "public health" hysteria has just solidified my position on that.
Yeah, diet and exercise go a long way. My SO just successfully brought her blood pressure back down into comfortable normal range using Natto, which we call “Slimabeans.” You cook soybeans and innoculate them and let them get this viscous grey slime on them for a couple of days in a warm moist pot. Apparently the slime is full of an enzyme called Natto kinase and vitamin K2 that does wonders for the insides of the blood vessels. Apparently discovered by some very hungry Samurai way back when. You can mix it up with rice to overcome the uneasy sense that you are eating something you scraped off a banana slug. Anyway, it fixed high blood pressure in about 4 months. Meanwhile her little brother has been taking some drug or other for months with zero positive effect on his blood pressure problem. But he is the kind of guy you can’t tell anything that doesn’t align with Rachel Maddow’s Wisdom. He’s jabbed, of course, and his symptoms of vaccine injury are starting to appear too, unfortunately.
A guy named Mike H. commented on another Substack that maybe the pipeline wasn't destroyed at all, but made to look and SOUND that way (most of the Twitter announcements reference the audible "explosions"--two, to be exact. Making sure people feel the actual destruction, i.e. set it in stone that it really happened (ala 9/11).
He said, "I'm seriously wondering if they truly destroyed it. If my theory that Europe, Putin, and the U.S. are secretly working together to further Agenda 2030 is correct, then they could pretend they destroyed it and achieve the same outcome. They could turn off the pipeline, create the hardship energy shortage, point fingers at each other, and they all win. In so doing they could turn the pipeline back on in the future without having to repair it.
If they pretend to destroy it they can turn it back on at their leisure if they want to. Everybody secretly wins."
It's the usual pointing fingers, no one taking credit confusion. Why would globalists orchestrating a phony war actually destroy a valuable pipeline which will be needed in the future. Russia hasn’t said a word. To say it was destroyed, however, takes any issue of sanctions and future possibilities of restoring energy off the table. Why? Because there is one sole agenda afoot here: to starve the EU of energy which will be the tipping point for actual starvation. Nothing can get in the way of that goal. Can't use gas from a pipeline that doesn't work and can't be fixed, which we somehow knew immediately after it exploded.
Yes, the WEF took Putin off its website, but three weeks before Russia put troops on Ukraine`s border, they joined the WEF`s Fourth Industrial Revolution Network. Are we to believe they are simultaneously allies with, and enemies of, the West?
The US involvement in the destruction of Nord Stream only confirms this line of thought, i.e. we aren't at war with Putin --he and the current US leaders are partners in this 2030 Agenda and the rest is all theatre to make it look like others are to blame, to wit, the ones fighting this re-set agenda. There is imminent economic collapse in the EU too, which a war is designed to hide. Too many nuts with too much secret power.
I have a very hard time buying that theory.
What caused the seismic activity as reported by Danish military?
What is currently pouring into the Baltic sea, rising to the surface, and entering the atmosphere?
It's hard to explore different theories because they are just theories--with no real answers, just more theories.
However, as to the seismic activity, no one is saying there wasn't a blast-- two to be exact. If you are going to fake blowing up an $11 billion dollar pipeline, you'd better make it look good--and what better evidence that it "happened" than seismic activity and sound heard from the depths of the explosion in the middle of the sea.
I'm not sure if anything is rising to surface of the Baltic, but those could easily be optics as well.
I'm not married to the theory, but have some questions too: Why isn't Russia screaming mad? Why isn't the US admitting or denying what Poland is outwardly congratulating it for? Why would the US destroy a part-German owned asset, or even a Russian asset that Germans rely on for survival. None of it makes sense.
What we DO seem to know (I have to say "seem" now for everything), is that Putin was a WEF member, Russia has joined the "Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution" via the WEF and all supposedly, all the EU had to do was to lift sanctions to get their heat turned back on. Which they just wouldn't do. Hundreds, maybe thousands will surely die this Winter now. The leaders in those countries know exactly what they are doing.
I am not married to any theory-ever. But this whole thing starting with Ukraine just fell into lockstep policy throughout the EU/with NATO, sanctions and utter devastation to the entire region by all of a sudden having NO energy source (the EU had to work hard to cancel all other possible sources while this was happening).
Maybe it was blown up, maybe it wasn't. In the end, the result was exactly what was intended.