Feb 13, 2023Liked by Guttermouth

Twitter feels very much to me how I imagine the englishmen of olden times felt when they went to Bedlam, paid the warden a farthing, and got to look at the loonies for a while.

A guilty pleasure, a little pity, and some "there but for the grace of good luck and genetics go I"-kind of feeling.

That said, the teabagging-twittering is surely part of the idea that the Party must make it impossible for JB to run again.

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As a Person Who Is Voluntarily Underserved By Twitter, I lack the perspective to understand the apparent joy exhibited by many Persons Formerly Served By Twitter upon their recent Re-Servicing. The visions of a lib echo chamber populated by an unruly cancel hungry mob keeps any peckish for rubber necking at bay. To my chagrin, I have slid a bit down the LinkedIn slippery slope, and must battle frequent regressive temptations of rantaholism.

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They probably got ChatGPT handling Brandon's POTUS twitter account now.

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I've seen a few,but to be honest, I'm just as likely to ignore WH tweets.

...what did PA lose?

Not as much as Ohio is losing atm, I'm guessing. Yikes.

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Yep, as soon as they realized he's unwinnable next year, they're shoving him toward the cliff.

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They replaced the SM manager recently with someone who is a true believer. How else can you explain the cringe and obvious lies? OK, I will give you it may be the same person and the bivalent booster injury has kicked in hard and they are now significantly brain damaged, that is certainly possible.

You know, one of the great things about Trump was that when there was a tweet from his account, it was clearly him doing the tweeting and if it went over badly with the left his answer was to own it and back it up, not walk it back and blame some schmuck that has now been replaced as the SM manager.

To me the tweets coming out now are being written by committee, that is certainly what they sound like, 7 pencil necked leftists who have to vote unanimously to approve all tweets and each are responsible for 1 voter block. 7 low information voter blocks because the crap that comes out it utterly ridiculous on a truth scale.

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Feb 13, 2023·edited Feb 13, 2023Liked by Guttermouth

I'm not on Twitter, but I just went there to see the POTUS site. I didn't even know that POS Lula was here on the 11th. Democracy, you say, like forcing the poor to get jabbed, to get benefits? Brandon's posts read like they are just cribbing off the SOTU. And that pic with the LIUNA guys last week - looks like it was taken about 10 years ago.

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I've noticed the media is talking an awful lot about his deficiencies.

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Look at it this way, GM:


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Still banned from Twitter (I occasionally check to assure myself of my mental superiority)... I wouldn't fuck Meta with my dog's dick and any interest in association with the rest of the online social cesspool is deep in the negative zone... but thanks for letting me know nothing has changed.

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Off topic, but I'm looking forward to old Biders inadvertently admitting that Nordstream was blown up on his orders.

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Way cool that you are on twitter. What is your @? I’ve been on since 2015, and wouldn’t miss it for the world. I’m smart enough to know not to get myself in too deep. I know the bots, the idiots, the haters, the bullshit, and my conservative pals. I would tweet The Donald’s public comments after he was booted. I’d send out scathing and/or hilarious memes, poking fun at covidiots, liberals and progressives. I enjoyed every minute. It was my escape from the shit show in the US since the last presidential election. Even with his few faults, Elon is my hero. In my heart, I believe we are on the path to some free speech.

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I had a petty little nothing account to have the occasional look at what people where saying and for the memes. I did the "ok groomer" thing to some senator or whatever and got locked out, with a demand for a phone number to get back in. Obviously, fuck that, but it seems during the Elon purge I was also purged as I've re-registered with the same info and it's like I never existed. I wonder ify old tweets still exist?

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