Alien invasion, only it stalls when everyone assumes that it's just Project Bluebeam. After a month of trying to convince everyone that no, goddamnit, they're real, ET gets frustrated and goes home.

Biden strokes out during a press conference and dies shortly after, but it's covered up with a mixture of CGI and ChatGPT. Everyone knows but pretends not to due to the marked improvement in the competence of the executive branch. In related news, AI is declared sentient following a Nature paper revealing that 90% of the Western population is unable to pass the Turing Test.

US moves to war footing and the media begins promoting martial and masculine virtues. NPCs start lifting in large numbers. In protest, the dissident right manosphere embraces soy and weed.

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LOL Award.

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by Guttermouth

JC wins my prize as best male philosophy Substack writer (at least his persona is). You win my prize for best female (have photographic evidence of this, for what it is worth) philosophy Substack writer. I fear the Internet would self destruct if you two wrote stuff together -- or even worse, if the two of you provided instructions to ChatGPT.

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Doc, I love you, but you're way, way too effusive in your praise.

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GM, It is honestly held opinion...if it happens to be praise, that is a coincidence. I read over 100 Stacks religiously ranging from Freddie DeBoer to Eisenstein to Childers to Alexander. Some are brilliant long form writers (MAA, for instance). Some are way underappreciated delvers into topics about which I have been unaware (like Paul Taylor). But you and JC in your own way both cut to the chase in uniquely driving styles that I think are underappreciated.

I admit that part of the reason I comment is that I fear you will just go care for chickens and we will lose an incipient and insightful voice. But other than that obvious motivation, I tell it like it is.

You will just have to suck it up and take the abuse.

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Great post! You're in fine form JC.

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by Guttermouth

My friend had a heart attack. She’s a granny like me! She took the JJ in June 21. Maybe not a factor! She didn’t mention anything about thinking it could be a cause! She even said at one time they stopped people from dying. She wondered if her friends who died in hospital from Covid would have lived if they took a quacksine. I told her the protocols were probably what killed them.

I have a prediction that I hope will not come true. It’s that more adverse effects show up and most people still will not be aware.

Btw, my friend was forced to take it by her son or else not see her grandkids.

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If you haven't read it already, my dad's vaccine injury was the story that more or less got me started on Substack.


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Canny Granny that just enrages me. Her [young] son at minimal risk forced HER to get the jab ‘for the grandchildren’? Who are MUCH more likely to die from seasonal flu? Sonny boy deserves to have his kids taken away and maybe raised by Grandma if she’s up for it.

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It makes me furious too. I just found out that he’s a government man. Works for DoD! Wife is a pediatric nurse. They know everything, too! Lol! they think they do. My friend takes up for him because she loves her kid.

He’s a low man at the DoD I’m sure and doesn’t know what’s going on and wouldn’t believe it if he heard it, or maybe he he’d be all in. My friend hasn’t asked them if they got the kids quacked because she doesn’t want to know. They said they would before kids were eligible.

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I’m a PA, I used to work ER, so I hate to break the news ... providers have been conditioned - by 2-3 decades of govt / insurance mandates, cookie cutter ‘medicine’, ‘best practices’ protocols etc - to NOT think for themselves and to do what they’re told.

Dissidents among docs, nurses n mid levels are rare. It’s sad.

Injecting this experimental gene therapy - NOT a vaccine - is indefensible for anyone healthy under 40 years old. Maybe older. God bless you and especially your friend and her grandkids!

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Thank you and God bless you, too.

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by Guttermouth

I vote for Lizard People.

In a world where governments are being overthrown across the globe (yes, to include Arizona et. al.), the only possible hope we can have is in exposing the Lizard People.

Oh, and Jesus. You people need more Jesus.

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Por que no los dos?

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Lizard Jesus?

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023Liked by Guttermouth

Messiah-saurus Rex?

Maybe with a trippy intermission countdown clock while we await it's return...


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I keep having dreams about dinosaurs, actually.

I'm either on to something or I'm 8 years old again.

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by Guttermouth

Or you've not been thorough of your vetting of dinner mushrooms...🤔

Or...Lizard aliens are trying to communicate via your subconscious in ways you can relate to...

" Come to us,GM... you feel the call of the reptilian brain which is real and not a limbic bullshit term... "

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If I could come back as a motherfucking dinosaur?


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Don't count out the Serpent Men and the Man-Serpents. They survived the Great Dying, the coming of Man, they survived when the oceans drank Atlantis, and whoknows if they still don't lurk in their subterranean cities under K'n-yan and Mount Voormithradeth.

As they trace their roots to their great empire of the Triassic Era, I think they'd be able to give the Lizard People a run for their money.

"Ka nama kaa lajerama!"

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by Guttermouth

1)I predict a capture of bank accounts for another ' bail in' and subsequent exchange of your funds +/- ESG balancing to Electronic USD. I'm thinking, if the Astrology is effective, around March. Maybe April.

2) Food becomes an issue that comes to a head by Fall.

3) we start to see thousands if people a month start dropping from AEs,primarily cardiac ,thrombolytic activity and immune system " schizophrenia "

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So regarding 3), you predict an acceleration of current trends?

Regarding 2), globally or nearly so?

1) a full digital currency this year? Ambitious.

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Regarding 3) an acceleration that catches most of the population flat footed.

How do you hamstring an overwhelming force coming at you ,if you have limited ammo? You shoot to wound. ...

Regarding 2) globally


Yep, all at once. For your own good,of course. Russian hackers want your $$ too!! We gotta protect...this..that..the other...

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by Guttermouth

More suddenly dead. More illegal immigration. Mass famine. Lawyers get richer.

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Wherefore the famine? Climate change policy or other?

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by Guttermouth

Depopulation is the agenda. Climate change is the excuse. Great interview with Michael Yon on Highwire. Production of fertilizer has been severely curtailed worldwide. Famine will be worldwide starting later this year and will last for 2-3 years at least. The massive inflation of food prices is the beginning of the signs of it here. Food inflation is major reason for US illegal immigrants. Also, destruction of food storage and processing facilities has accelerated and will continue. Yon says it is already getting so bad in 3rd world countries that he thinks we may even see famine in the US at some point.

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Michael Yon rocks

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True that.

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The war in Ukraine is just getting started. The only way it ends early is if Putin were to be assassinated. When GAE runs out of Ukrainians, Poles will be sent into the meat grinder against their bitter enemy, just like Soros planned a few decades ago: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FfYvCh1VIAA4y_A?format=jpg&name=large

Oh, it will go nuclear in the future.

With globalist mouthpieces like Hotez and Sean Penn demonizing the sensibly unvaxxed, I strongly suspect that a steroid-fueled version of covid is in the pipeline, or mutating as a result of the poison injected into billions.

The "insurrection" story is not over. The guys at the very interesting "Conservative Tree House" had a good write-up on that today: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2023/01/08/there-it-is-george-stephanopoulos-asks-rep-scott-perry-to-recuse-himself-from-house-investigation-of-weaponized-fed-if-same-fed-is-investigating-him/#more-241957

Steve Gutenberg, like the poor, will always be with us. I'm pretty sure that Jesus made a veiled reference to him in the Gospel of Luke...

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1) Thank you for these links. This was very good reading.

2) I thought of you today on the way to the slaughterhouse with our livestock. There's a Mennonite farm just up the road from us that has a fun tradition of hanging roadside signs with Scripture, often with attached slogans. He changes them seemingly randomly. The one on our corner today just said, "Why Not Today?" with a picture of a trumpet. It struck me as sounding like you'd talk.

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The tyrants are just warming up. I think we can beat this back.

Living among the Amish/Mennonite community holds great appeal to me now.

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023

Funny, I was musing yesterday about opening a bar whose sign would feature its name, "Hornpub", flanked by trumpets. Must be trumpets going around.

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Hornpub. Very good!

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Removing Putin won't stop Russia. In fact it'll make things much worse. The.West can scream "Putin's Aggression" all they like but he's fat from the most warhawkish in Russia.

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If anything I find him to have a pretty moderating and pragmatic effect on Russia's various factions.

I think it's mostly that westerners have gotten to the point where we find unapologetic nationalist policies shocking, like swear words before 1960 or so. Zounds.

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I think the brand new meteorite that’s supposed to grace our skies in March is going to produce a radiation effect that looks like a bad flu.

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by Guttermouth

My 2023 predictions.

More stimulus to be sent out but instead of checks it will be in digital currency, thus getting the totally oblivious primed for the next big government “thang” for control of the masses.

The antichrist will make itself known and it’s been lurking within the Vatican.

A nuclear blast (accident or willful?) somewhere in the world leading to low crop yields, and more famine.

First designer baby created. Yes we can fuck with your DNA.

And the coup de grace…an alien will reveal itself… hope it’s reptilian-like because that would freak the whole world out, me included.

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The stimulus as 'bullshit coupon' thing is particularly intriguing.

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Good way to ease people into it’s use. I think that’s how China first started -by giving prospective users a few “coins” to soften them up. Aren’t we giving illegal aliens (proper term for invaders) a brand new cell phone? Next step would be to give them benefits in the form of digital currency put into a wallet on that brand spanking new phone, no?

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I smell debt relief being another carrot offered.

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cell phone is for tracking, so they can capture the females for ' trafficking '

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Yep, that, too. “Hit” coins would be a bonus.

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Make that at least several dozen nuclear blasts of at least1 megaton each. Otherwise the effect on weather patterns and thus harvests will be zilch. You'd need something throwing up as much dust and stuff like Krakatoa, or more.

Krakatoa exploded with force equivalent to 200 megatons of TNT. Hiroshima was 1.5 kilotons.

Just getting my pedantry-fix in. ;)

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Ok. I’ll give you that. How about Yellowstone burping? That should make a dent. My recurring vision (not drug induced :-) over the last 6 yrs. shows widespread famine in places not known for food shortages. I linked those to nuclear, but maybe a natural disaster would be the cause.

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Oh aye, a burrowing H-bomb of sufficient power setting off Yellowstone might have such an effect, but the logistics of making that happen are rather daunting. But the we could just as well consider what happens if that fault line under California goes entirely - buh-bye Hawaii. Heck, such an event might create a wave strong enough to reach Asia.

Or we might ponder what happens if the land-lock right north of the Horn of Africa should give way all at once. Worst case - purely hypotheical at that - I've seen from geologists is that the entire eastern coast of Africa either slides into the Indian Ocean or becomes a chain of islands all the way south to the Cape.

Heck, just locally here the norwegian shelf might give wayand slide down to the bottom of the Atlantic, causing the Gulf Stream to turn away from northern Europe. Hello three mile thick glaciers.

Or say all the methane locked in the Siberian tundra and taiga evaporates into the atmosphere. Or Japan or the Phillipines gets hit by a big enough quake to sink them into the deep trenches.

Or a gamma ray from space - my favourite. Since it moves with the speed of light, there's no warning. Just "bzzzzt" and everything even remotely alive is dead, all at once.

We could do this all day. Point is, what are the probabilities involved?

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Ooh this is decidedly more interesting than the everyday ho-hum tyranny we are forced to endure. Can’t wait!

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If I use lizard entrails, I get a completely different answer. So who's to say? Although I've always expected lizard people to be more competent.

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"Things Psychopaths Say"

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by Guttermouth

As far as prognostications for the year go, Austin Coppick & Gordon White usually do a spot-on job with their "half a year" (H1 & H2) forecast videos. And they're always highly entertaining as well as informative. Check out 2023 H1 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ji_JJYtjwPg

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So - taking them in order:

The little exercise in the Ukraine will continue to generate massive profits - but will not drag on nearly as long as Afghanistan.

"Covid" and "justice" will not be used in the same sentence.

Who gives a shit about Harry and Meghan?

The investigation into the "insurrection" will continue - until the 2024 election.

Chy-na will continue to acquire ever increasing chunks of the world economy, and the few politicians they don't own yet.

Please explain just exactly how "Extra Strength COVID Plus" is weird? I suspect its inevitable.

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COVID 2.0 will come out of a chowder house just down the road from where they are playing with the Sars-CoV2 virus at Boston University. Pure coincidence of course. This time it can be definitely blamed on the chowder house using infected clams as the owners and most of the patrons are white Americans so it cannot be racist to blame thier eating habits. Unlike China, the United States government will trip over themselves to let in scientists from foreign nations to confirm thier theory that whiteness and racist eating habits caused the virus to naturally evolve in the innocent clams and jump to humans. It will be lamented that Boston University simply wasn't fast enough with their gain of function research to get ahead of the completely naturally occurring virus. This shortfall will of course be blamed on anti-science right wingers who wouldn't let them do gain of function research due to their completely irrational fear of the experts inability to contain the deadly viruses they engineer.

The new one will have a 90% kill rate that mainly targets children but good news they will warp 11 a vaccine that is safe and effective within weeks. Fauci will come out of retirement to once again become THE SCIENCE and help everybody triple mask and get the new jibby jab or get fired or murdered so they can't spread COVID 23.

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023

The declassification of documents form the canadian military, showing how the US encouraged and aided moslem insurgents from the arab nations to travel to Bosnia in the 90s will continue to be ignored. Don't know if that's a "prophecy" as such though; predicting media ignoring truth for narrative discourse is like predicting VD at masque-party.

Incidentally, "narr" means "fool" or "court jester" in swedish and "att narra" means "to fool/trick/lie/deceive"... sometimes, it's hard not to believe in synchronicity.

Hm. Let's see. Italy, Greece, and the rest of southern Europe will demand tens of billions more from the rest of us, for the costs they incurred duing Covid. (With the quiet understated threat that otherwise, they'll give upp what little token border control they actually effect, and will go back to actively aiding and abetting smugglers transiting people to central and north/western Europe.)

Pushed by the US, Germany will try to lean even more on Poland, Hungary and Romania to open their borders to moslem invasion, and will target the under-30s of those nations with propaganda the same way the old East Block was targeted. The last thing the clans owning the US economy and politics wants is a Europe resurgent. Chaos, disorder and a permanent race-war suits them down to the ground.

Germany and the rest of the EU will step up their efforts to emulate China. Laws banning political parties, publication of counter-narrative facts or information - even if sourced - and blasphemy laws as well as hate speech laws (i.e. gag laws) are already on the books in many nations, and work continues apace for both a supra-national EU police and military with authority to act against any membership-state acting up.

Southern, central and eastern Europe will continue to ignore EU rules on how big debt a nation may have and still retain their seats/votes in the council. Without consequence, since both Germany and France did so for years and years.

The US will see two things happen making any Republican presidency ever again a virtual impossibility:

1) Increased migration over the southern boder, paired with a nation-wide amnesty just in time for simplified citizenship-test right before the presidential election. What are you up to now, 6 000 new Democrat voters per week entering illegally?

2) Reparations paid out to sufficiently black americans, also in time for the presidential election. I'd give even odds for Democrat pundits and politicians trying to make this /the/ issue of the next election, meaning you're either against and therefore a racist, or for.

China will continue to buy US politicians and business-leaders as needed, and its space program will start to visibly outpace the US ability for further space exploration. Don't be surprised if the chinese try to claim parts of or the entirety of Mars before 2030.

Or as my wife says: "Why can't you ever foresee anything nice? Stop being such a Doomsayer!"

"Call'em as I see'em, honey", says I.

Edit because of Tori.

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Jan 10, 2023·edited Jan 10, 2023

This was a prediction made last year when Sweden applied for full NATO membership, that we'd get US military bases (possibly including nuclear weapons) established in Sweden.

Well, this weekend we've had the annual "Folk & Försvar"-conference in Sälen* where the minister of defence, Pål Johnson, announced that we'll get "US base areas for military purposes" - he might as well added a wry "dats totes diffrunt from military bases brah!", the smirking little twerp that he is.

It would seem the odds of Ukraine spilling over to Poland, Finland, Estonia Lithuania and Latvia and by extension the rest of us is starting to approach even.

Especially as Johnson also confirmed that in the event of open war between Russia and NATO-forces, Sweden would join in as an active combatant on the NATO-side (which was decided in 2009).

And the old Civil Duty law has been activated. It forces people working in certain areas to serve as support personnel in the event of war. It's been mothballed since the Berlin Wall came down, moreor less.

"Remember, when you see the flash of light, to Duck and cover."

Who'd imagined that the civil defence classes we had during compulsory school would become relevant again.

*("People & and Defence"; Sälen does not mean 'the seal' in this instance despite what the translation software will tell you but instead "slow flowing river, stream or other medium waterway".)

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Jan 10, 2023·edited Jan 10, 2023

The rulers announce that the vaccine was a poison that can be remotely triggered to kill you. You can not attack them as you will just drop dead. They will tell all those who took it that they will be given the antidote if they kill one unvaxxed person. They don't need all the vaxxed, just those who are willing to kill.

Remember all those Sci-Fi movies where people had control collars around their necks? They couldn't go outside a zone or they would die. They had to do what they were told and couldn't attack the rulers or they would just be killed?

What if the control collar isn't on the outside of your neck but inside you?

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Deleted my reply due to typo. Well, Yellowstone is overdue if you use every 600,000 yrs as the event marker. Sooner or later some natural disaster is going to wreak havoc. What’s more likely is a chain of tit for tat nukes going off.

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deletedJan 9, 2023Liked by Guttermouth
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deletedJan 9, 2023Liked by Guttermouth
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There I go again

Pretending to be you

Make believing

That I have a soul beneath the surface

Trying to convince you

It was accidentally on purpose

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deletedJan 9, 2023Liked by Guttermouth
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I loved Dresden Dolls but really wish Amanda Palmer had just gone away afterwards.

The art is almost always better than the artist.

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deletedJan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023Liked by Guttermouth
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Jan 9, 2023Liked by Guttermouth


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Dude, don't reveal the secret!

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